Chapter I

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I held onto my sisters slightly moist hand as we walked together through the doors of what would be her day care. I could tell she was nervous not just because of her sweaty palms but also because of the way she stayed so close to me as if I could protect her from all things bad.

"You ready to meet some new friends?"

I asked her crouching down to her level.

"Only if you come with me."

She spoke with that childish tweak which would vanish with age.

I didn't tell her that I couldn't stay all day cause that would simply freak her out. The idea of being in a room full of strangers for the day. That was even something I feared.

I stood from my froggy position and opened the bright red door to where all the other toddlers and young children played happily.

"Hello my name is Cath. If I could just get you to sign in I will then show you around..."

I waited for the lady I now knew as Cath to finish her sentence but she didn't and I realised she was waiting for me to say my name.

"Marlie, my names Marlie, and this is my little sister Mia."

"Oh fabulous I'm guessing this is Mia's first day?"

Her voice seemed almost too chirpy. She must really love her job. I thought to myself.

"Yes it is and she is quite nervous."

I replied a polite sound coating every word I articulated.

"Oh no need to be nervous honey there are plenty of new people here today. It's even the first day of one of the people looking after you."

Cath paused for a moment scanning the room in search for the newest employee.

"Luke could come over here for a second."

Her voice echoed loud enough to grab the attention of a boy, standing with his mother, who seemed about my age. Unless he was a 40 year old virgin with extremely good Botox but I highly doubted that.

He began to traipse toward where the three of us were standing. The care giver, my sister and myself that is. He was shuffling his feet against the carpet that happened to be covered in crayons. I bet he wasn't walking properly due to his super tight skinny jeans. Doesn't he need to let those bits breathe?

"Luke! Lift your feet up when you're walking dear," His mother yelled,

He let out a loud groan, that I quietly snickered at. His face was covered in pure annoyance, an expression I would be most likely wearing in his scenario. He turned around to speak to his mother but as did this he wasn't looking to where his feet were taking him and got his foot jammed in a Malibu Beach Barbie car. I knew how this would end. The car rolled beneath him causing him to face plant bang smack into the messy, carpeted ground. It was truly a funny sight, but I couldn't help but feel bad for him. Falling over on his first day? Not the best first impression for his colleagues. He was quite a tall boy, and during that moment he looked a like a piece of over cooked spaghetti, his arms and legs flailing all over the place.

I looked down to see that Mia was laughing hysterically at what had just taken place. It was the first time in a while I had seen her laugh like that so it caused a genuine smile to curve on my lips.

The middle aged woman who might I say looked absolutely flawless for her age helped Luke up.

"Get up you boof head. Way to embarrass yourself in front of this lovely young lady."

She gestured towards me and I felt my cheeks heat up ever so slightly.

"Mum you can go now."

He said straightening out his t-shirt.

"Okay honey have a good first day. I love you."

She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, glided past me and was gone.

He proceeded in walking towards us being extremely wary of all the objects that were in his path. The first thing I noticed when he was where he needed to be was redness in his cheeks and ears. I guess I would be doing the same.

"Um so er what do you need?"

His question was directed at Cath.

"I just wanted to introduce you to Mia and Marlie. It's this little munchkins first day and she's a little bit nervous."

"Oh hello Mia."

His voice was deep. Really deep.

My little sister gave a timid wave which he returned.

"Do you want to come with me?"

He held out his hand which Mia took without hesitation. Her hand size compared to his was like a pond compared to the ocean. She seemed comfortable with her surroundings all of a sudden but I guess I would too if a boy as attractive as himself offered to hold my hand. They walked off together, Luke having to crouch due to the vast height difference.

"Bye bye Mia."

She shot me a cute dimpled smile and as Luke looked back I mouthed a thank you. In return he too shot me a dimpled smile. One I hoped I hadn't seen the last of.

So we really, really hope that you enjoyed this! Also, thank yoooou for clicking on the story haha. We had a lot of fun writing this, omg especially Luke's part. If you actually liked this pleeease vote and comment! We also would love if you gave us feedback too.

From Aria and Zoe (: xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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