Chapter 2- Do I? Does he?

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Gillian's P.O.V
   "Ye are no fun Gillian," Harry said still fake pouting. He jumps over the table and sits down on the other side in front of me and next to Gil.
   "Why can't ye go around like ay normal person?" I ask.
   "This is quicker."
   "Whatever, Harry," I say rolling my eyes. Harry then begins playing with his hook.
   "Uma! Uma! I have news!" A boy that was a part of the crew runs in. I think his name is Matte but I am not sure. Uma storms out of the back and heads over to him.
   "What is it?" She asks pursing her lips.
   "Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos are going to Auradon!" Everyone snaps their heads to them as he said this. Uma seemed please that the boy got such news.
   "Well, well, well." She says walking over to Harry. "Looks like Maleficent is putting Mal to use," she adds laughing. She then starts messing with Harry's hair and I don't know why but it made me angry. She always does it so I don't understand why.
   I look away and then look back and then say, "I am gonna go. Places to destruct, people to terrorize." She looks over and I add a fake wicked smile so she will believe me. "See ye later Gil," I add before grabbing my swords and leaving.
   I walk down the alley way to the docks and go toward the buildings I see a ladder and climb to the roof of the building. I try to figure out why I got angry about Uma messing with Harry. It isn't like I have feelings for him. Even if I did it isn't like he would return them. I am two years younger then him and he is best friends with my brother.
   I am snapped out of my thoughts as something touches my back. I pull my right sword out, jump up, and spin around. "What the hell Harry?"
   "I taught ye well," he says with a smirk.
   "Whatever," I roll my eyes. "Do ye need somethin'?"
   "Uma need me?"
   "Noone needs ye Gillian," He says letting out a little chuckle.
   "Then why the heck are ye here?"
   "Do I need a reason?"
   I waited a moment and then said with a little laugh, "Ye are Harry Hook. Ye either want, need, or take." I sit back down.
   He rolls his eyes, "I just came up here. I could tell somethin' was wrong."
   I face palmed myself on the inside for not covering it up and then tried to hid it, "What do ye mean?"
   "Ye just looked upset. And then ye made a fake smile. I have known ye since ye were 12, Gillian. I know when somethin' is wrong with ye."
   "It's nothin'."
   He looks at me and I could see concern in his face, "Gillian, tell me what is wrong."
   "Like I said, nothin' major." I could see he was gonna press further so I reached over and snatched his hook. I run across the buildings and once I was two buildings away I turn around to see how far he was.
   "Gimme my hook!"
   "Come'n get it." I put it on and keep running. I then relize I am cornered.
   "Looks like ye didn't get far love." I looked down as a blush started to heat my face at the name he called me. I then hid the hook behind my back. "Why ye blushin' Gillian?" He asks with a smirk on his face.
   "I am not blushin'," I say still looking down. I was focused on not letting him see me blush I didn't relize he had gotten close to me. I look up now knowing my blush was already known. He was so close I could smell his cologne. He took another step toward me.
   "Gimme me hook Gillian." He says stepping yet again closer to me. We were now so close I could feel his warm breath.
   "I told ye, ye gotta get it." I said making eye contact. Then he did something I never thought he would do. He starts leaning down until our lips meet. He continues to kiss me and I kiss back. His lips tasted like salt and a trace of rum. I then feel him grab his hook out from behind me and then pull away.
   "I got it." He said whispered, still close with our lips inches apart. "Never doubt me Gillian." He said. I then looked down and my face was blood red. He lifted my chin up with his hook back on his hand. "Cat got ye tongue?" He smirks and starts to walk away.
   "Harry?" I ask.
   "Yes, love?"
   "Why did ye do that?"
   "Didn't seem to bother ye to bad," he winks and then walks away. I look out at Auradon and just think. Did Harry enjoy the kiss? Did it mean anything to him? Oh my god. I kissed Harry Hook. The worst part? I enjoyed every second of it.
   I walk home and head straight to my room. "You and Harry have fun?" I turn to see Gil.
   "What ye mean?"
   "You mean that he didn't follow you?"
   "No," I didn't like lying to Gil but I would talk to him another time about the incident.
   "Good night Lil sis," he says to me.
   "Good night big brotha, hate ye."
   "Hate you to sis." We both smile as we go to our rooms. I change and then rinse my clothes off to get rid of any stench and put them out to dry. I then lay down with the same thoughts that were in my head on the roof. I eventually fall asleep after what seems to be forever. The thought of Harry kissing me being the last thing I thought about as I fell asleep.
Please read!
I hope you are enjoying the story so far. I was gonna make it longer but as you can tell this was a good way to end this chapter. With 987 words. Make sure to leave comments and suggestions. Also don't hesitate to point out any of my mistakes. Thanks for reading!

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