"H-Harry,"Zayn moans breathlessly,as harry grinds his perky bum on Zayn's hard cock at the same time."s-stop..."

"N-No,harry need you daddy."

Harry whines and leans in to kiss Zayn's lips.

Zayn groans when harry nibbles his lips and asks for permission. His little bum grinds on Zayn's hard member so perfectly,making Zayn couldn't thinking straight.He opens his mouth and stick his tongue out to play with Harry's. He takes over the control and harry let him gladly.

One of his hand traveling down to grab Harry's bum,making harry moans softly. He pulls away from the kiss and goes to nibbles Harry's neck.

All the sanity and hesitant are thrown out of the window as he play with Harry's nipples,nibbling his precious skin while harry dry humping on his cock. A stream of obscene moans leaving Harry's red lips.

"Hmmmm D-Daddy. C-Close..." Harry moans.

"H-Harry..."Zayn groans and thrusts his hips up to add more friction.

And seconds later they both cum in their clothes. Harry lay his forehead on Zayn's shoulder,panting softly.

"Harry,Baby you doing so well." Zayn praises.

Harry looks up and gives Zayn a shyly smiles with his dimples pops out.

He looks so delicate and innocent making Zayn's feels like a hundred of butterflies flutter in his chest.

"You're so beautiful." Zayn whispers and raises his hand to touch Harry's curly hair.

The alarm clock rings.

Zayn groans and reaches out to turn off it. Accidentally making the clock drops off and hitting the floor. The unexpected loud noise making Zayn jumps up from the bed.

He blinks and feels sticky in his crotch. He looks down and spots a wet mess, and then the reality hit him.

Fuck,it was a dream.


Harry pouts as he stares at Mr Malik who's currently teaches them how to make a picture more aesthetically by change the lines.

Mr Malik have been ignore him since the first day he tried to seduce him. And harry found out that Mr Malik has been avoiding him recently for some unknown reason.

I mean,come on who would want to avoid Harry Styles? He knows his is beautiful and sexy. He doesn't think he losses his charms lately. But for some god-know-what reason, he hasn't get into Mr Malik's pants yet and that makes harry really frustrating.

Yes,he could get other dicks but he aren't satisfied.Nope,not until he gets Zayn Malik's big juice cock.

Harry licks his lips as he eyes tails down on Mr Malik's crotch.

Awwwe, I want it so fucking much! Harry bits his lips and closes his eyes just to imagine it...

"You are hot."Someone whispers to him and he snaps his eyes to that person. He smirks. It's the new transfer student.

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