
Min finally arrived in her room and closed the door behind her. 

"Did he hear everything I said? Aigoo, that's so embarrassing!"

She said frowning.

She then changed out of her uniform into a comfortable pair of sweatpants and a loose fitting t shirt. She tied her hair up into a loose bun and removed the little makeup that she had on. Then her mother walked into the room. 

"Min, you're going to wear that for dinner?"

She said raising an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about? It's just dinner..."

Min replied back sounding a bit confused.

"Oh, the guys never told you? Well they're coming over for dinner tonight!"

*They would've told me...if I gave them a chance to...* Min sighed.

"Do I really have to get dressed again? It's just the guys. And it's not like they've never seen me underdressed before..."

"Fine. You can wear that. But just put on some chap stick. Your lips look really dry."

"Yeah yeah yeah."

"Okay. Well since you're technically ready, can you go set the table up while I go check on the food?"

"I'll think about it."


She said crossing her arms.

"Fine! Just give me a second."

"Thank you."

"Yeah, whatever."

Min quickly applied some chap stick on and walked to the dining room to go set up the table. Right after she placed the last plate on the table, the door bell rang.

"Min! Can you get the door?"

Her mother yelled from the kitchen.


Min yelled back. She walked over to the door and opened it. But instead of staying by the door to greet the guest, she quickly walked back to the dining room to finish setting the table up.

"Well hello there Min. What a lovely evening this is."

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