Cuteness 17

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The movie had ended. I got up and stretched. It was a good movie. I could hear Tessa gasp and then followed up by host sighing. I would imagine that she kept hiding in his arms. Will grabbed my waist and tucked his head into my neck. "We're at the front so you're gonna have to start walking." He mumbled. "Oh!" I looked behind me at everyone waiting for us to move. I walked down the stairs and skipped to the door. I made sure to wait for the group outside the door though. Kate and Google came out laughing. "Hey! Do you know where the rest of the gang is?" I asked them. "Oh, they got stuck behind another group," Kate explained. I leaned up against the wall and so did they. A couple of guys walked out of the theater. "I'd tap those." One of them said to me and Kate. She and I scowled and scooted closer to each other. Google turned on his heels and faced the group. "The only thing you'll be tapping is the ground when I beat your face in." He growled at the group. "Yea, ok shorty." The man laughed. Google was a little shorter than the guy. You could see the anger and steam build up in Google's face.

"G, please. Let's go." Kate grabbed Google's arm. Google looked at her. His rage-filled eyes turned to sad. He hugged Kate and they walked over to me. "Well, those guys suck." I chuckled. Then Will and the rest walked out of the theater room. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Willy, can you pick me up, please?" I smiled up at him. "But I'm so tired." He dragged out sluggishly. I looked into his eyes with the biggest puppy eyes I could muster. "Fine." He rolled his eyes. "Yay! Thank you!" I jumped. "Yea yea, how do you want me to carry you?" He chuckled. "On your shoulders?" I peeped. He crouched down. I threw my legs around his shoulders and sat down. Wilford lifted me up into the air. Even though we're both sort of short it still felt exciting to be high up. "I bet this isn't the first time Wilford's head had been between Y/N's legs." Host chuckled. "Wow!" I exclaimed in shock I could feel my face become flustered. Everyone else busted into a fit of laughter while Will and I blushed heavily. We walked down the long hall the lead to the main room.

"Aww! Couple goals!!" I heard a girl yell. I looked over at her and smiled. I leaned forward and played in Will's hair. "You're gonna tangle my hair." He laughed and looked up at me. I looked over to see Peevils and Darki getting along very well. I smiled at them. Kate was talking to Google about who knows what and Tessa was awkwardly standing next to a scowling Host. I frowned as I watched her getting sadder by the second. I know how it feels to like someone and them not wanting you to get closer. Although I dated someone like that somehow. Mark and Amy were giggling and laughing about nothing but the fact that they were happy. I wondered how everyone had so much energy but then again I did go half-demon on everyone. I yawned and slouched over. "Is someone tired?" He asked. I nodded yes but realized he couldn't see me do that. "Yea, just a little," I said, groggily. "I can drive when we get back to the car." He suggested. We were now in the parking lot. I regret parking so far away now. "Aren't your shoulders tired?" I asked him. He shook his head and kept walking. I smiled and laid my chin on his head. His soft hair was just so soft and smelt like coco shampoo. "Hey, babe?" He called out to me. "Yea?" I said, lightly. "You gotta get into the car." "But I don't wanna move," I whined. "Come on. You can sleep in the car all you want." Wilford knelt down so I could hop off of his shoulders. I slipped off and climbed into the front seat. Tessa and Host hopped into the back. Will started the car and we were off.

~Time sip bc its like 1 am but I'm still writing bc I love u guys~

"Y/N. Wake up," A hand shook me awake. I must've dozed off on the ride home. I opened my eyes to see Tessa shaking me awake. "Well, hello sleepy head." She giggled. "Hey," I responded groggily. She held her hand out and I took it. Walking up to the house we heard a shout. I looked at Tessa worried and Tessa looked at me worried. I bolted inside to Darkii giggling and Anti shouting at her. "You're what?" Anti shouted in her face. She giggled loudly "I'm GAY!! IM GAY!! IM A HOMOSEXUAL WHO LOVES PUSSSYYY!!" She was obviously intoxicated. Anti brought his hand up and slapped her. "You ruin everything!" The loud noise of his hand meeting her face made me wince. Her head barely moved though. "You slap like a bitch." Her voice was dark. "You clearly haven't learned that my body is made out of shifting bone marrow." The spot where he hit her was a black solid. Anti looked stunned for a second. "Anti! You will keep your hands off of her!" I shoved him away. "You're so lucky that I don't feel like pissing you off right now." And with that he stomped off. "Darkii are you ok?" I looked at her. Her the black solid softened and shifted into grey skin. "I'm fine. If I act fast enough my body can harden. The spikes are made of extra bone marrow that I don't need. If I wasn't constantly stretching out my horns or neck spikes my bones would be really thick or long. It's hard to do anything when they are." She gestured to her multiple spikes. "So, when you get super excited do you grow spikes?" Tessa asked. "Well, I constantly have to hold the bones in place. When I get excited I kinda let one pop. I could round out the spikes but that's just extra work." She held up her hand and relaxed it. Soon a shit ton of spikes grew all over her skin until the was nothing left. "How do you sleep??" Tessa asked, amused. "That's the scary part. Heh, I have to prepare myself and when I'm fully relaxed the spikes fire off and theres nothing left of my but a brain inside a spike capsule. Honestly, when I was a kid I was afraid to sleep." She laughed nervously. "That's like crazy amazing!" Tessa shouted.
Darkii blushed. "I mean I guess its amusing to mortals. I'm hardly even a middle class demon. Now, level demons are the tip top best, right under succubus." Darkii looked over at me and winked. I looked at the ground and hid my face. "Y/N, you're like super powerful??" Tessa smiled. "Y-yea I am." I blushed and played with my hair. "Y/N, I need you in here." Wilford shouted. "Coming Wordy Dwarfy!!" I giggled. "Don't call me that!" He shouted back. I skipped off into our room. "Watcha need, baby?" I walked over to him. "I got an invite to a ball and I wanted to know if your were up to going." Will looked up at me. "Of course!" I wrapped my arms around him. "Great, everyone has been invited. This is an underworld party. Meaning we'll have to step through a portal." He grabbed my hands and looked at me. I've never been through a portal. I learned that a mirror could be used to make a portal or a very clear spot of water. I looked into his eyes and bit my lip. "I'll be fine. Sure, I smell human due to being raised with them but only spirits can pass through a portal." The nervousness was obvious in my voice. "I know that but you're a good soul. I don't want anything to happen to you." Will kissed my hand. "It'll be ok. This gal can handle herself." I ran my hand through his faded pink hair. "Are you ever gonna redo your pink?" It had faded to a pastel color. "I'm thinking natural black." Wilford chuckled. "That'll be nice. Maybe I will too." (Or what ever color hair you have ^.^) The pink highlights had drained from my hair. "So, this ball, do I get to dress all fancy like?" I asked with a giddy smile. "Sadly, it's not an all color ball. It's a black and red ball. I normally don't attend specific color balls but I decided that this is a once in a lifetime thing for you." An all color ball would've been better. "I guess I'll just have to find to most gorgeous black and red dress." My smile bigger than before. I wasn't smiling because of the dress or going to a fancy ball. I was smiling because I would go to a ball with Wilford Warfstache. My beautiful boyfriend. "The ball is in the next month. So, that'll be enough time." Will said. Enough time?? I'll have to start preparing tomorrow! "Does anyone else know??" I asked. "They'll all receive letters they're personal mirrors." I shifted my brow. "Own.. mirrors?" I asked. "Babe, we don't have mirrors in our room to look at ourselves in. We use them as portals. I could step through this and end up in Mark's room. Of course he can't do that." He laughed. I looked at the mirror that was on his vanity. I always wondered why he had a vanity. "Because we're linked, we share a portal." Will took my hand and walked me over to the mirror. I put my hand up to it and touched the glass. "Now, imagine a room you know of that has a mirror." Will instructed. I breathed out slowly and thought of the bathroom in the hall. The tiles and how the mirror hung above the marble sink. Suddenly the mirror shifted and I fell through. I flopped out and crashed onto the ground. "Ah!" I winced. I heard quick footsteps approaching the bathroom. "Y/N, are you ok??" Will swung open the door only to see an awful sight. My upper back on the ground and my feet in the sink. "Ow.." I groaned. Will sighed and picked me up. I gritted my teeth as a bit of pain surged through my back. "I should've warned you about the landing." Will chuckled. "Yea." I stuck my tongue out. The there was a loud crash from the basement. Me and Will looked at eachother horrified.

I'm leaving you on a cliff hanger so you better I hope I find motivation for the next chap -whip-
~ Mia

Cuteness (Wilford Warfstache x Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now