Ninimben opened her mouth, an automatic refusal ready on her lips, but she paused. Closed her mouth. Sat back and pressed her lips together.

She hadn't interacted with many others since she left Erebor, and those she did didn't tend to want much to do with her. They wanted her skills, her services, nothing else. They hadn't cared about who she was. She'd had no reason to forge any attachments.

But Eomer... It had only been two weeks, they had barely spoken, and yet he was already looking out for her. Already he understood enough about her to piece together the basics of her story.

He obviously cared.

And she needed an ally – many allies, if Sauron was indeed growing stronger like she feared.

Maybe... maybe getting to know Eomer wouldn't be so bad, after all.

"Thank you, Eomer." She cleared her throat. "Perhaps... perhaps you could introduce me to Theodred? I feel like I should know him better, at least."

Eomer smiled.

"It would be my pleasure."

*     *     *

Ninimben smiled to herself as she stood on the edge of the hill, overlooking the rolling landscape of Middle Earth. They'd travelled long and hard to get here, and with the midday sun at its highest peak, decided it was time for lunch, which Sam was busy preparing.

Ninimben had wandered away from the others, desiring a moment of quiet. As she stared over the landscape, her mind had wandered to her friends in Rohan, landing especially on Eomer, and allowing herself to indulge momentarily in those memories, forgetting her more pressing concerns.

She felt her shoulders relax for the first time since she left Edoras.

"You've been on edge lately."

Ninimben jumped. She whipped around and glared at the offender. "Don't scare me like that, Legolas!" she exclaimed to her brother, resting her hands on her hips.

He chuckled under his breath. "You've always been too easy to startle, lost in your thoughts as you are."

Ninimben bristled. "Not always," she snapped, scowling. She crossed her arms over her chest and hunched her shoulders.

Legolas raised his hands. "Apologies. I did not mean..." He sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Never mind. I am merely concerned about how it will affect you."

"You know I can handle myself in battle."

"I do, more than most. That's not why I'm concerned though."

Ninimben's heartrate increased. She tapped her fingers against her elbows. "Why, then?" she demanded tersely.

They might have grown distant, but Legolas had still known her longer than anyone else in Middle Earth – they'd grown up almost attached at the hip. Despite how they might have changed, he was more attuned to her mannerisms and behaviours than anyone.

"I've noticed how you skirt around Frodo," her brother said softly. "You're afraid, Nim, and you're never afraid."

It felt like she'd been shot through the heart.

He'd hit the nail on the head on a truth she had been doing her best to ignore.

He really had grown more observant as time passed.

Ninimben laughed bitterly. "I'll give you one guess as to why. You should know. You and Father both warned me about what would happen. Well, congratulations. You were right."

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