"S-Slug, please, I'm sorry! Wh-whatever I did, please, I'll- I'll make it up to you some other way!! Just, not like this, please." White pleaded, feeling weak and even helpless in that moment. The heaviness he felt made it difficult to move as nimbly and freely as he normally could. Any of the attempted fight back he had didn't seem to affect Slug at all. He looked at Slug's face and saw only pure rage.

Slug barely hesitated before shoving the scalpel under White Hat's monocled eye, earning a yelp that melted into a pain filled, screaming cry. This was new, White Hat? The being never hurt by anything? In pain!? His rage enjoyed this, making Slug gouge out the eye entirely despite Slug coming back. The domestic personality he'd developed for years, it was crying. He pleaded inside himself to stop and take a good look at the mess he'd made.

White Hat was crying, his only eye letting loose a trail of tears that fell down the side of his face and pooled on the floor. The now empty eye socket doing the same but with blood. He'd choked on his sobs, ".... Please.... I-it hurts, m-make it st-stop....." Nothing could stop the burning sensation of betrayal shattering his heart. His fresh wound was a major pain, instantly an eleven. All of this was visible on the now broken mess of what used to be an unbreakable smiling creature.

Slug gasped. Shaking before throwing the scalpel across the room. The bloody tool lodged itself smartly into the wall. Slug grunted, straightened himself like he did it on purpose. He acted like everything was planned. In reality it wasn't. The only two things he had planned were to disable White Hat's powers so he could flee and kill White Hat before he could alert anyone of his escape. He felt terrible. He shouldn't have looked. Shouldn't have listened to himself. But now, here he was, feeling guilt for the first time in who knows how long.

White Hat wore a tiny expression of hope, hidden amongst the layers and layers of pain and fear. "M-mercy... Please..." He studied Slug's face how it had gone from rage, to shock, to guilt, and then it suddenly... It became unreadable. White Hat was. At this point, terrified. Even more so than he was a few seconds ago.

Slug grunted, standing up as he released White's wrists. He crouched and leaned over White Hat's face. "I will give you mercy- let you live. On the conditions that you work for ME now, and that you answer to Nerd." He extended a hand towards White Hat, staring in suspense. He wasn't sure if... If White Hat would rather die.

White Hat, injured and more terrified of dying than of Slug, shakily... Hesitantly... Placed his hand in Slug's. Nerd was pulled to his feet, feeling only slight relief. There was pain and heaviness everywhere until suddenly... Nothing.

Slug had knocked Nerd out. He figured that Nerd needed a break from the pain as soon as possible, so he thought to knock the wounded eldritch unconscious before dragging him to the lab. Slug then focused on cleaning and closing Nerd's wound. He found himself internally dying of guilt yet in awe of how precise his incision was when he was blinded by his rage.

Nerd woke up in a bed, a hospital style bed. His eye was bandaged up and he knew without having to think too hard about it that Slug had done it. No one else lived in the house, no one else knew of this lab.. He looked to find an IV of painkillers going into his elbow. That's probably why his eye doesn't hurt so badly right now. He looked up from his arm and to the foot of the bed to see Slug. Instinctively, he backed up out of fear. White Hat couldn't fathom why he did what he did, but it felt strangely justified. Like he unconsciously realized that Slug wouldn't hesitate to harm him again, should he ever be tempted to.

Slug showed empty palms to Nerd, "Calm. I'm not going to hurt you. I just came to check on you..and..." He got a good look at the pale eldritch as his guilt stabbed him where it hurts most. Right in the chest, more specifically the metaphorical heart. "And I was just leaving..." He sighed. "I... Get well soon. That's an order."

Nerd seemed to calm as Slug left the room, but the discomfort he still felt was from the IV. The foreign body in his arm, the tiny catheter delivering the painkiller directly to his blood... It was comfortable in one position and one position only. By his jolt of fear, he had displaced the catheter and caused himself discomfort. He discovered he did not like IVs or needles at all just then.

Slug pondered, and stared at the device that now stored White Hat. Yes. He'd considered the powers stored in that device, quite literally, White Hat. The being on the bed. That scared shell, that's Nerd. He sighed, feeling regret. He found the source of the regret was only over the eye, not the power extraction. Slug realized he'd made the devices to take powers and that they could only store one being's powers. So, basically useless after the first trial... But, the problem was he couldn't get the devices to release the powers. That was of no concern. He realized something entirely different. The power he had at his fingertips already, that. That was something he could not resist.

Nerd spent a few days, staying in the medical lab. After a while, Slug eventually taught Nerd how to care for the wound himself. Instead of having to scare Nerd by getting uncomfortably close to his face and threatening with empty words to get Nerd to be still. After this, Nerd is given the liberty to roam the house as he pleases.

Slug earned the nickname Geno from his desire to strip all Hat creatures of their powers. A sort of- genocidal desire. Slug has, so far, kept his secret from Nerd. However, Nerd eventually finds out and is silenced into secrecy by a few minor threats from Slug.

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