Chapter 1: meeting him

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Chase’s pov


“what’s wrong? You have been looking forward to school since forever” Leo said

“its nothing, im fine” I lied

honestly im not fine. I have this weird feeling in my stomach and I don’t know what it is. Im bionic, I don’t get sick. But I do have my own theory…

“there has to be something” Leo said

“you love school, I don’t know how but you do” Adam said confused

“we are total nobodys” I said

“no we’re not” Leo said as we get bumped into

“see” I point out

“point taken but its your first day what do you expect” Leo said

“who cares” Adam said

“I care” I said

“why” Adam said

“I at least want people to know that we exist” I said

“that is true, but if you’re not on the football team or a cheerleader then you don’t exist. They rule the school”- Adam interrupted Leo

“haha, that rhymed” Adam said while laughing

“as I was saying, they rule the school. If you’re not popular then you are a nobody. This is high school” Leo finished

“we are not even half way through the school day, chill out” Adam said

“what ever” I ignore him

“what do you think, you’ll get a girlfriend” Adam laughed

“no” I said

“who would go out with you anyway, being so short” Adam bullied me

“shut up Adam, before Spike somes” Leo hissed


“where you sit at lunch determines your popularity. We cant sit at the cool table, but we can”- Leo kept talking but I sort of zoned out…a lot!

My theory was that it was because of a girl. And I think im right. In the middle of Leo’s sentence my eyes got a glimpse of the girl. The girl I saw in the hallway earlier, she’s so pretty. I force myself the stop staring and because Adam walked toward her. I swear if he likes her I will willingly turn into Spike and have a talk with him

“Adam just sat down at the cool table” I said angered

“what!” Leo yelled

“im gonna go over there, they cant talk about shapes and colors forever” I covered up. Im going to act on this feeling. You’ll see

I walk over to the ‘cool table’ and I sit down next to my new and first crush. And boy im nervous

“uh oh, you guys might want to go” she worried. Please tell me she doesn’t like me already.

“why” Adam asked

“I hear Trent coming” she feared

“I told you!” Leo yelled

“you should listen to your friend” she said

“who’s Trent?” I asked the beautiful mistress

 “he’s on the football team, and you’re in his seat” Leo answered me. He obviously couldn’t tell I was asking my crush

Bree’s pov

Wow, this nerdy kid just sat down next to me, at the cool table. He is surprisingly kinda cute, but nobody can know that. I like that he has the guts to do that, must be his first day. Since im the nice cheerleader, and he seems nice, im going to help him and try to get his to leave before the football team does it for me, and they’re not going to be nice about it

“look what we have here” Trent intimidated

“trent, how about I take care of them” I try tricking him

“sure sweety” Trent replied. Ha of course he fell for it

“im still not going to go out with you” I said loud and clear

“why not” Trent stupidly asked

“because I don’t like you, that’s why” I said VERY easily. Well duh

“you’ll come around eventually” Trent convinced himself

“think what you want”- I said while getting up and waling over to the ‘newbies’ and I whisper “pretend this hurts” and I drag them out. Not literally

“why are you helping us Bree” Leo questioned me

“im the nice one, you guys don’t want to do that. If it wasn’t for me, they would have beaten you guys up. Just please watch what you do, this is high school, okay” I protected them…mostly him…you know…

“I still don’t get it” Leo said

“what don’t you get about ‘im the nice one’. You know what, you two go” I said as I pointed at the tall one and the shortest one. And they left

“you seem smart, why did you sit next to me?” I asked you know who

“are you sure I shouldn’t just go” he stuttered. Cute. Wait did I just think ‘cute’? oh god it’s a real crush

“ill take care of them, just answer the question” I sort of demanded. Damn it, I hope I don’t sound like a jerk now

“um.umm. I don’t know” he stuttered again.

…(with Leo and Adam) no ones pov

“he likes Bree!” Adam said

“that’s not good” Leo said

“why” Adam asked

“Trent likes Bree, and if he finds out he will not like it” Leo worried

back to Bree’s pov

“bree, what has been wrong with you today! You cant be nice to them” Caitlyn yelled at me

“nothing is wrong, and you don’t have to be mean to everyone you know” I yelled back

“you’re lucky you’re good at cheerleading” Caitlyn said

“what is that supposed to mean?” I asked even though I know

“ugh!” Caitlyn screamed

there is only one person I can talk to about this. Danielle. She has had the same problem that I have.

“hey Danielle, can I talk to you” I asked her

“are you ok?” she asked me

“im having a problem” I said

“what is it” she asked


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