Chapter Three

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Stephen's POV:

"Look I'm not going to show you around, you go and find everything yourself. I'm not a tour guide." Said Camil and then walked off.

Camil has this bad boy aurora, so I'm guessing that he is not a guy that you should mess with. That makes him a guy that I should watch out for. My dad could have put him up to something. I looked through the papers in my hands to see if I could find the map that the secretary had given me. When I finally found what I was looking for I started looking to see where my room was located. By looking at the map my room was located in another building that was close by.

Well it looks like I'm going to walk for a while. Should I send a text to Leonardo? Would he even care that I left? Probably not. Leaving the building I heard someone screaming help so I started looking around to see if I could spot them. But I didn't see anyone. I went around the building and saw a few guys beating someone up.

"Help! Help!" screamed a red hair guy. I ran up to them and pushed the guy off the red head.

"What the hell?!" Screamed one of the guys at me and then he made a move to punch me but I was fast and caught his fist. I twisted his arm behind his back, the guy screamed in pain.

"Don't ever try to punch me again..." I warned him.

"Who do you think you are?" Asked some other guy.

"You don't know who I am?" I asked him with a smirk on my face. He really doesn't know who he is messing with.

"No, now let him go before we beat you up just like Fabyan here." Warned the guy.

"You do know that you guys aren't in any position to threaten me? What could happen to your friend?" I asked them. Then I moved the guys arm higher and he once again screamed in pain. Their eyes widen when they realized that their best friend was hurting.

"We don't care, do as we say and everything will be alright. After all we are more. What could you do? There is one of you and four." Said asked one of the guys.

"Right but what can I do to this one?" I asked them and then I twisted the guy's arm with my elbow I hit the middle of his arm with everything I got. I heard a snap and that's when I knew I had broken his arm.

"Oh look I can do that!" I said in a sarcastic tone. They all looked at me with fear.

"We will leave just please don't hurt us." They all begged.

"Fine... but if your try anything then lets just say that what I did to your friend will be nothing to what I'll do to you." I warned them. They all left and I made sure that they left and then I went to the red head.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. The guy turned to me and when I saw his face lets just say that he was covered in blood.

"I'm fine this is something that happens daily." said the red head.

"And nobody helps you out?" I asked him. He just shook his head at me.

"Well they are really stupid. By the way my name is Stephen Garcia. You must be Fabyan Romanos right?" I asked him. He stood up and looked at me with wide eyes.

"How do you know my name?" He asked me and you could hear that he was scared.

"I'm your new roommate." I told him, wasn't just about to tell him that I had done a background check on him.

"Oh..." He said.

"Yeah so can you show me where the room is at?" I asked him.

"Sure lets go." He said and then started walking.

We stood in front of a door to which I'm thinking leads to our bedroom. Fabyan opened the door and went in, so I did the same thing.

"So this is our room its only you and I in this room. Next door to us lives the bad boy of the school with one of his friends." Said Fabyan. The bad boy ? I s he the guy that was sopposed to show me around?

"What's the bad boy's name?" I asked him.

"His name is Camil Calderon." Said Fabyan to me.

"That's the guy that was supposed to show me around the school. Guess I was right about him." I said. So the guy lives next door to me... this is going to be fun.

"Oh I guess that you guys are friends now. Please I beg you don't hurt me..." Begged Fabyan, when he realized that I had met the bad boy.

"Why would I hurt you? I don't hurt someone unless they give me a good reason too." I said to him.

"Well since you guys are friends I would assume that you would be just like him." Said Fabyan looking scared, he was making his way to the side of the room. It was like he didn't believe me.

"And why would you think that I am friends with that guy? No way! Then why would you think that I would help you when you where getting beaten up?" I asked said.

"S-s-so-r-ry I j-u-just thought you guys where friends cause almost all the new guys become friends with him and then they start bulling me." explained Fabyan.

"We're not friends and I doubt that we will ever be friends. Me and him didn't get along when we met." I told him.

"Oh.." He said.

"Look Fabyan you seem like a nice guy that could have a lot friends, I don't get why you let them bully you." I told him.

"It's always been like this. Since I first came here they just bullied me." He told me.

"Look I don't mind being your friend, you can even tell me if they beat you up and I'll handle it." I told him and this I meant. I know how it feels to be trapped and just not feel good about yourself.

"Your willing to be my friend? But you will get bullied if you hang out with me." Said Fabyan.

"Fabyan have you ever been to the gym?" I asked him.

"No..." he said.

"Then that's where we are going." I told him. I'm not letting him get bullied anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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