Chapter One

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Stephen's POV:
I had just finished packing everything in my room. All of my clothes, shoes and other stuff where in side the boxes. My father told me that I would be leaving in about two hours I'm finally leaving this hell hole. Didn't need to say goodbye to anyone so I went to my fathers study since he told me to go there when I was done packing. I knocked on the door and waited for him to let me in. My father always locked the door of his study since the moment I came in and saw him cheating on my mother. If I'm honest I really didn't care if he was cheating on my mother, she has never cared for me. I was an accident in both of their lives. My mother is a famous fashion designer, while my father is a business man well at least for the rest of the world. He is actually a gang member who doesn't have a heart.

"Come in." Said my father, I tried to open the door but it was locked. I rolled my eyes at this. This always happens, he forgets that he locked the door and when I tell him that it's locked he gets angry at me for whatever reason.

"Father the door is locked." I tell him without expressing any kinds of emotions when I talk. I heard the door being unlocked and my father had started cursing. When the door finally opened my father stepped back so that I could walk into the office.

"What the hell do you want now? Can't you see that I'm busy?!" He asked me while pointing at his desk. That's when I saw piles of papers that haven't been touched for what it seems years.

"I see it but I don't really care father. You told me to come here when I was done packing so here I am." I told him with a serious tone.

"That fast?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Well if you would have payed attention to me for once in your life then you would have notice that most of my things have been packed for a while now. It wasn't really a secret." I told him and crossed my arms.

"Perfect then. You'll be leaving soon, thank goodness. That's the only good thing that has happened this week. I have talked to your mother about this and she said that she didn't care where I sent you as long as she didn't see you when she's back." Said my father to me in a mocking tone. He was trying to make me angry, to make me feel like nothing but I was already used to it. I was too used to it.

"That does sound like something that she would say. You know how mother is." Was my only response to his comment.

"I asked you to come here cause I'm going to go over the rules with you." Said my father. What is he talking about?

"What rules?" I asked him.

"Some rules that you need to follow while I'm the one that's paying for your schooling." Said my father to me. I just glared at him and let him continue talking about the rules that I will probably break.

"You will not tell anyone about how we treated you or what my real work is. You can have friends if you want. One of my men will be going to school with you to make sure that you don't say things that you shouldn't. You will train every day with Leonardo and I don't care if you want to or not. Also you need to get straight A's I wont accept anything lower. We have a reputation to keep up so don't even think of messing this up." Explained my father to me, well more like commanded.

"Anything else?" I asked him.

"Yes... you will have a credit card with you it doesn't have a limit of money, you can use it for whatever you may want. Oh! How could I forget the second that you turn 18 you will be on your own. We won't give you money nor a place to stay. We don't want to see you ever again. Understand?" Said asked my father.

"Gladly." I said to him with a smirk on my face. I was already planning something in my head. What mistake have you made father. Giving me a credit card.

"You can leave now." Said my father after he gave me the credit card and all of the papers tat I needed like my birth certificate. Father you have done the biggest mistake of your life by letting me be free.

I left the study and went to my room, the minute I walked into my room I knew someone had been here. Everything was the way I had left it so it means that the person just looked or is still here. I felt someone put their arm on my shoulder. In seconds I had the person on the floor if the person moved I would break his hand thanks to the position that I have it in. When I looked to see who the person was I noticed that it was Leonardo. Letting go of his arm I stepped back and glared at him.

"What do you want?" I asked him in a harsh tone.

"Is this any way to speak to an old friend of your's Stephen?" Asked Leonardo. Yeah you read right, Leonardo and I are friends. His the only one that I trust, he took care of me cause my parents didn't want me close to them. Leonardo is 30 years old while I'm 16.

"Oh whatever." I told him while rolling my eyes at him.

"You have everything packed? Do you need to do something before we go? Cause if you do then do it now cause we don't have much time." said Leonardo to me.

"No I'm all done." I said to him.

"Well then we should get going since it's a long drive to the airport. Also your stuff will be shipped to your dorm room." Said Leonardo.

"Okay, do you know if I'm going to share a room with someone?" I asked Leonardo.

"Yes you are, I found out all about the guy, here is everything you need to know about him." said Leonardo.

"Thanks." I said and got into the car. This is going to be a long ride.

End Of Chapter




With Lots Of Love and Hugs,


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