Chapter one: My real beginning

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Ughhh, I groan as I turn off my alarm.
Today is my fifteenth birthday.
For most people they would be excited. But for me... Its just another day. I haven't been excited for my birthday since I lost mom. 9 years.. No. 10 today. 10 years since I lost mom. I don't really remember much of her other than her smile and her joy. Her and dad had known each other since High school. High school sweethearts, cheesy huh? "Ella, wake up honey!" Dad yells.
Once again: Ughhhhhh.
I unhappily get out of bed and shuffle downstairs, bacon soon wafting my nose. Mmmm bacon!  Rubbing my eyes, I nearly trip down the last step.
"Careful honey." Oh shit I had hoped he hadn't seen that.
"Hi dad." I grumbled.
"Good morning to you sunshine. Happy birthday!" He exclaims while handing me a book.
Oh whoop. A book.
"Before you open it... There's something you need to know Ella. Its about the truth of your.. Our family."


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