~Chapter Five~

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I decided to skip the beginning of year dinner as I was too nervous to face everyone. I know that I made the decision to tell everyone the truth about my identity, but that didn't make the judgemental stares any less disquieting. 

Harry seemed shocked when he saw the thestrals and I remembered that he also witnessed Cedric's death last year. I had completely forgotten that Harry was probably suffering just as much I was after what we experienced in the tournament. I was really pleased that we had managed to become friends again. Although we have never been particularly close, I have seen all the things he has gone through and I strongly admire the way he handles all the grief in his life. I wish I was as strong as him. 


I was lounging on a sofa in the common room when Ron and Hermione entered showing the new first years around. They smiled at me and started gesturing around them. I got up to leave as all their chatter was disrupting my ability to read. 

I felt a tug on my sleeve, "Dumbledore said he wants to see you." Hermione said to me. Her face portrayed worry and I groaned. There is never any rest from that man; always something to do. 

The corridors were vacant for the most part, as everyone was still catching up with their friends after a long summer. I was surprised to see that the entrance to Dumbledore's office was open and I quickly climbed the stone stairs, winding around a rather ugly gargoyle. 

Dumbledore looked up from a pile of papers and smiled at me. "Close the door behind you, Florence." I pushed the large piece of oak shut and apprehensively approached the desk.

Dumbledore gestured towards a chair across from him. I sank into its soft fabric but was careful not to be lead into a false sense of security. Whenever Dumbledore had summoned me to his office previously, it was never bearing good news.

"I know you must be wondering what the next steps are from here, Florence." I nodded in agreement. "The Ministry has started a smear campaign designed to slander and vilify anyone who supports the view that the Dark Lord has returned. 

I was shocked that The Ministry could really claim that his return was a lie. "But, sir! It's... it's..."

"You and I both know that this way of thinking is absurd." Dumbledore found my words for me. "They have sent a representative as a way of keeping on eye on me and the way I am running Hogwarts."

"How can they be allowed to do this? It's ridiculous!" I shouted, infuriated that all the work Harry and I had done to fight Voldemort was being described as false.

"But we have a bigger problem here, Florence."

"What could be bigger than this, sir?"

"You see," continued Dumbledore heavily "I believe it cannot be long before Voldemort attempts to force his way into Harry's mind."

"What are you talking about? How would he be able to do that?" I say, trying to keep my voice level. 

"When Voldemort was given physical form once again, he used Harry's blood to do so. In this way Voldemort and Harry share a special bond which allows them to access each other's mind if they have the desire to." I take a sharp breath as I consider the impact this could have on Harry. Voldemort would be able to manipulate and misdirect his thoughts as he pleased. 

"So what's the plan?" I asked Dumbledore eventually.

"I am not eager to give him more incentives to do this. I am sure that if he realised how close Harry and I are then he will seize his chance to spy on me. Maybe even possess him. So I have decided to try and distance myself from Harry and not speak with as more than a Headmaster."

"But, sir. Surely this will only make Harry feel angry and alienated?"

"I am doing this to protect him. At least until we can figure out a way to prevent Voldemort from utilising their connection." I nodded. Who am I to question the greatest wizard of all time? 

"But what do you want me to do? Why have you told me all this?"

"Harry is going to need support. He is going to need someone to believe him completely and always be on his side, no matter what anyone says about him."

"Can't Ron and Hermione do this?" I felt an enormous amount of pressure. Harry and I were barely friends let alone unrelenting pillars of support.

"Yes they can. But... I also fear that Voldemort will try to use you."

I felt as if someone had punched me in the stomach. "W...what? How?"

"You've had dreams, haven't you?" I lowered my head and found a sudden interest in the intricate golden patterns on the rug. "It's okay, Florence. But because of this link you will be able to support Harry in a way no one else can. You can understand. You can sympathise." His words hung potently in the air. "Can you do this? For me? For Harry? For the safety of the wizarding world?" 

My stomach turned violently and I gulped away the nausea. That's a lot of pressure for a fifteen year old girl. I nodded slowly. I lifted my head to meet Dumbledore's deep eyes. "I'll do the best I can."


Sorry for not updating but I've been doing exams and they've finished now. I'll try and update more but I don't want to write a crappy chapter just for the sake of writing something. 

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