"Babe, come with me." I take my girlfriend's hand and take her outside during lunch.

"Does where we're going have something to do with food? Because I'm starving."

"No it doesn't." We stop. "What I'm about to show you, you can't tell anyone. Understand?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"You're worrying me. What's going on?" I sigh.

"There's something I need to do." I put in the code and the door opens. "This place is called The Clubhouse." I open the door and bring her inside.

"What is this place?"

"It's where we bring girls... where I used to bring girls." I bring her the box of polaroids and she opens them.

"My God..." She says as she goes through the photos. "And did these girls know about this?"

"Not all of them."

"Why are you showing me this?"

"Because this needs to get out."

"And how exactly are you going to do this?"

"Clay. With Clay."


"You wanted to have sex for the first time that night right?" I ask my girlfriend.

"Yes... Why?"

"I just wanted to make sure I didn't force you into doing it."

"No baby. It's what I wanted. Where is this coming from?"

"Mr. Porter had Coach read this thing about consent before sex and what counts as consent and what doesn't before practice." she takes my hands.

"I did consent. I consented then and I've been continuing to give my consent every time since then." As we kiss, my phone rings, it's my mom calling me home for dinner.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow?" I say in her doorway.

"I'll be waiting." We kiss goodnight.

"Goodnight Zach!" Deran calls out.

"Night!" I get in my car and go home.

Jade Adams

I go back into my room after saying goodnight to my boyfriend and shut the door.

"You and Zach. I never would have pictured it." That voice. I'd know that voice anywhere. I turn around and it's him.

"Oh shit!" I fall to the floor. "Y—you're dead. You're supposed to be dead."

"I am. Totally dead." I sigh.

"Ok. Deep breaths Jade. Deep breaths. This is just a dream. Yep you're dreaming and—ow! You pinched me you bitch!"

"Did it hurt?"


"Then you're not dreaming."

"So you're really here?" I ask breathing heavily.

"Yep." I get off the floor and touch his face. His skin still as warm as I remember. He pulls me into a hug.

"I missed you so much Jeff." His hugs are always the best. "You idiot!" I slap him.

"What was that for?"

"You died motherfucker! You fucking died!"

"It wasn't my fault! Sheri knocked down the stop sign!"

"They put breaks in cars for a reason!"

"Stop yelling at me! I'm here now aren't I?"

"Yeah... as a—wait what are you?"

"Ghost... your imagination... who the hell knows." He sits down in a chair.

"So what are you doing here?" he folds his arms.

"What? I can't come say hi to my best friend?"

"No one else can see you right?"

"I would assume not."

"So as far as anyone else is concerned, I'm talking to myself?" he nods.

"Pretty much."

"Great. As if I'm not crazy enough." I sit down on my bed. "You sneaky son of a bitch."


"This is the first baseball season since your death and here you come popping up. Coincidence? I think not."

"Purely a coincidence."

"So how long do you plan on... sticking around?" He shrugs. "Well no matter how you're here or how long, I'm glad you're back."


Yes I am taking a page out of Hannah's book and have ghost Jeff spend some time with his best friend.

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