Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, we're on top of the world, even though tour ends soon."

Eliska hummed in response, but didn't say anything else right away.

Jonah panicked, fumbling for what he should say next, before reminding himself that it was Eliska he was talking to.

"Well," she started, "you know how I was working on graduating early a couple months back? I—uh—actually ended up doing so."

She took a breath to continue, but Jonah spoke first.

"Wow, El. That's great."

The nickname slipped out of his mouth without his intention of doing so. He bit the inside of his lip, but she didn't skip a beat. He thought that somehow, maybe, she hadn't picked up on it.

She had.

"Thank you. It was difficult, but worth it. So, I've been looking into colleges for over a year now and though I had several in mind, I decided on my top one months ago and sent in my application."

Months ago, Jonah repeated to himself, his heart sinking with guilt in his chest. That meant she probably sent it in when they were together, and he didn't even know.

"And, I've been accepted to my first choice: The University of Adelaide."

"Wow, Eliska. I mean... that's amazing. Where is it?"

That time, she did miss a beat. She didn't respond immediately.

"Australia," she finally said.

All she heard from his end of the line after that was silence. 

"I'll be boarding on campus, majoring in secondary education for teaching English and minoring in journalism. At least, that's what I'm planning on right now."

She picked up a bookmark that was lying on the desk in front of her and started turning it over in her hand. She hadn't expected Jonah to say much.

"And I've—uh... I've already done research for jobs in that area, and I think I'm going to apply to work at the public library. As a storyteller for kids."

Neither acknowledged it, but they both knew she was pursuing that because of what he had always told her, that he loved listening to her talk about her books.

Jonah shook his head, having no idea what to say.

"That's... amazing, El." That time he was aware of what he called her, and he didn't care. "Why Australia?"

She smiled to herself a little.

"Why not? I've visited a lot of places in America, but next to nothing outside of it. I was ready to get out, see more."

She took a deep breath, but it didn't carry over the line. Jonah didn't hear it.

"Look, I know we haven't talked in a while, but I... well, I'll be gone for two years at the least, most likely more than that. It didn't feel right to leave the country and disappear without even letting you know."

Jonah swallowed the lump in his throat.

How was he supposed to respond? Of course, he wanted to wish her safe travels and tell her that he was proud of her and the decisions she had made for herself and her life, but he couldn't deny that there was a part of him that didn't want her to go.

It didn't feel appropriate to tell himself that he was still in love with her, but he definitely still cared for her. Her moving to Australia, being gone for more than two years....

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