Wreck it Ralph style

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Hannah p.o.v
I look around the attic. The walls are old and rotting. There is a vent to my left. That could be helpful. There's a couple of boxes. A dummy in the middle of the attic. To my right there is a bored off doorway and another door way that isn't blocked off. I walk over to that doorway. The floorboards look risky and not safe. I go over to the boarded off doorway.
"Pry the boards off with the hammer",Angel says popping out of a box. I only nod and begin to the pry the boards off. Each board hits the ground with a giant thud.
"HANNAH WHAT WAS THAT",Granny yells from downstairs. "I KNOCKED OVER THE DUMMY,"I yell back. "BE CAREFUL",Granny says back.  I then go into the now open room.
There's a writing desk with two drawers and a crib? I go over to the crib and look inside. Inside there is blood. I feel like crying granny could have slaughtered a baby here. I shudder and look in the drawers.
First drawer there is nothing. Second drawer there is a pair of pliers.
"Score",I whisper to myself.
"Hannah come here",I hear Angel call. I go to him. "What ?",I ask. "Use the boards to get to the second room" ,Angel says. I only nod. I pick up the board and place it over the rickety boards. I step on the single plank and quickly walk across.
Once I'm on the other side I gasp. In this room there's a jail cell. With a wheel chair in it. I go into the jail cell and the door snaps shut behind me.
I turn around and try to open the door but it wouldn't budge. I sigh and decide to explore the cell. There's only the wheel chair and a fan. Trapped in the fans turning blades is a key. I reach for it but it skins my knuckle.  "Use the pliers and cut the power supply off" ,Angel says from outside the cell. I use the pliers to cut the cord to the fan. The fan stops and I grab the key. It's a padlock key. I put it in my pocket along with the pliers.
"Angel how do i get out of here",I ask.
"WRECK IT RALPH STYLE",Angel shouts and rams head first into the cell door. Luckily it falls down.
"Thank you"I say. "Your welcome but get to work granny coming",Angel says. I gasp and run to the main room. I quickly begin to scrub the walls.
"Hannah you are such a fast worker",Granny says with a smile. I only nod and pretend to be absorbed in my work.
"Hannah I need you to clean your grandfather's room",Granny says. 
"Yes ma'am",I reply. She's gives me the directions to granpas  room. As I pass her she grabs my wrist. I kinda gasp and look up at her. "Tell me you love me and that you will stay forever",Granny says and grabs my face. She forced me to look her in the eyes. "I love you and I'll never leave",I say quickly. "Good girl off with your chore",Granny says and I run to grandpas room. I sigh and go in and the sight I see strikes me.
Granny p.o.v
I knew I picked the right girl. She said she loves me. She said she'll never leave. I pray she's loyal. Unlike those other ungrateful brats. They hurt my feelings especially that Angel one.
Only speaking in french and not proper english. Always trying to run. Cussing me and hitting me. Or like Mary. Always crying and begging. Never eating telling me off. Saying I'm not her granny. It's sad what parents would do to there children. Make them forget about me. Maybe they escaped me but I got there children.
But I know Hannah will stay. She's not smart enough. Just like her mom.
666 words

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