Chapter 2 What now

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Yay your still here. That's good right? I just want to say that I am so sorry for the lateness. I had it published but it had deleted like over 1,000 words and didn't have the story. I am so sorry and I will try not to be late anymore. Comment, I love that. Enjoy!

Clary's POV

Once one of the guards took me to my, I mean our, new room my mouth hung wide open. This room was beautiful. Not only was it beautiful but it was huge. There was a king sized bed with gold and black sheets. Still holding Olivia, he took me to a back room. There I saw an amazing baby room. It had everything that was needed to take care of a baby. Everything just might be ok.

Right then the last words I thought were, by far, proven wrong when Alec walked in with a duffle bag. He drop his duffle and walked over to the bed. "Wow. This is beautiful." That's what I thought. We might not be that different after all.

"That's exactly what I said." I said.

"Huh." That was all he had to say! Never-mind this is worse then I thought. "So this kid..."

"This kid is now your daughter. Please stop calling her the kid, much like I would ask you to stop calling me little girl." I had enough of him thinking everyone is below him.

"Ok." I was done at this point. He had no respect for anyone. He was probably only doing it to look good in the eyes of The Clave. He is so self-centered.

Alec got up from the bed and walked over to me. He didn't look mad, but I was still scared. I didn't know what he was going to do, and that was what scared me. When he was standing right in front of me he brought his hands up and took the baby from me. "Well, we never got the chance to talk to each other. My name is Alec. I'm going to be your new daddy." He said to Olivia. I truly could not help but smile. It was one of the cutest things I had ever seen. I have never seen him this vulnerable.

The baby let out a little yawn. I looked at the clock and it read 8:27. "Well I think it is little Olivia's bedtime."Taking the baby from Alec, I walked into the baby room and set her down in her crib. She looked at me with those big blue eyes of hers' and felt a tear fall down my cheek. She kept moving in her crib and wouldn't stop. Alec walked in behind me, and started singing. I have never heard him sing before. I didn't even know he knew what singing was. He wasn't singing your usual lullaby. He was singing 'This is Me' from The Greatest Showman. For a few moments I just stood watching listening to his beautiful singing. Then suddenly he stopped. I didn't realize it before but I had my eyes closed. When I finally opened them he was looking at me with the stupidest grin I had ever seen. 

"What ch'a doing?" He asked leaning over the crib, but still looking at me. 

"Just listening." I replied nonchalantly. The baby's eyes started to open and she was taking very quick breaths, like she was about to cry. 

"I think she is going to start crying again. Do you want to sing with me?" He asked.

"You mean like together?"

"Yes, I mean like together. Unless of course you don't want to." His voice was starting to get very sarcastic. "Because raising a baby together is just fine but singing together is to much." The smile that was on his face told me that there was no way I could get out of this. 

"Okay, okay. What do you want to sing?"

"Just let me start. I'll motion to you when it's your turn to start singing." He looked back down at the baby and started. "You know I want you. It's not a secret I try to hide." Was he serious? Does he only know The Greatest Showman songs. I just continued to listen until he pointed at me, that's my cue. 

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