Untitled part

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Kunal's heart skipped. Is she Mad? Meghna sat beside her. Kunal gave her a smile which she return too.

MB- Alright! Now you can dispatch and get started.

K, M, S, R leaved the classroom.

Rahul- so guys! Where should we head now?

Shalini and Kunal- Garden!!

Rahul- we are going for project not for a group date.

K, R, and S laughed hard. Meghna just gave a smile.

Rahul- I think canteen will be alright.

Shalini- first time in your life you are right. even I am hungry.

Kunal- you are right. what you say TOPPER?

Meghna- TOPPER!!

Kunal- yes you are topper madam. At least MY topper.

Meghna- (changing the view) as you all wish. Canteen will be good.

Kunal- As WE all wish!

In the Canteen....

As always Kunal pulled the chair for Shalini. But before he could pull chair for Meghna Rahul pulled it for her. Kunal felt a string of jealousy. They all settle down. 

Rahul- For me Chole Bhature (it's Delhi yarrr) 

Kunal-  Me too!!

Shalini- I am on Dite. I will eat some non- oily things

Kunal- Topper! you are also on diet?

Meghna- No not at all!!

Kunal- Then 3 plates Chole Bhature right?

Meghna nodded. as the food arrives Shalini tried to show Meghna down.

Shalini- (passing fork and knife but taking it back) Oh sorry! I forget that in small towns people don't to eat with this.

Meghna- (smiling sarcastically) Where in the world do you eat Chole Bhature with knife and fork?

Kunal and Rahul tried to hid there laughter.

Kunal- enough girls. Well topper as no we are in our group at least we can know something about you. Only if you like.

Meghna- I am Meghna. Meghna Solanki from Rajasthan.

Rahul- Really!! Kunal is also from Raj.

Kunal- where there?

Meghna- Boondi!

Kunal- that means my guess was right from the ladoos. Well i am from Jaipur. Not far from you..

Meghna stares at him.

Kunal- and ......

Rahul- (finishing his lunch) Ok now we can start.

Kunal glares at him as if he would eat him. he wants that conversation to stay longer.

Meghna- ya its better.

They start discussing. 

Kunal POV

She is beautiful yarr. the way she smile the way she look serious. the way she make fun of Shalini. hey wait!! what i am thinking of? She is not of my type. NOOOO Actually I am not of her type Maybe!

Rahul- Kunal!!!!!!! We are leaving.

Kunal came to reality. he saw Meghna and Shalini smiling at him. He smiled and dispatches.

At night. In Kunal's room

He was lying on his bed but sleep was now where.

She is the first girl in which I am so much more interested. Whenever she comes near me my heart jumps. She outshone me. Is this insecurity due to jealousy. Yes I think I am jealous of her or is it something else....

Suddenly his phone rings . on the other side was Karan.

Karan- Yo Bro! How are you?

Kunal- Everything is fine Cheeku.

Karan- Are you alright?

Kunal- what?

Karan- Is your heart with you. I mean are you in love?

Kunal- Mr. Love Guru! I will not be your next client dear. Find someone else.

Karan- When my bhabhi will come you will become a love guru for me Bhai.

Kunal- Shut up! First find your Ms. Perfect.

Karan- Look Bhai! I have planned everything. You will fall in love and get married to her. and I will marry her Younger sister. Perfect. They will peacefully and they will let us live peacefully.

Kunal- perfect? what if she doesn't have a sister?

Karan- well my preconceptions never go wrong but please make sure you fall in love with a girl with a sister.

Kunal- ok I'll make sure budhhuu. Bye!

Karan- you are trying to get rid of me? your girlfriend might be waiting.

Kunal- yes all 300s

Karan cut the call. Kunal laughed recalling Karan's talk.

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