Who's This Girl?

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Thank you for taking out time for reading this. The story continues.....

Rahul said, "Kunal I have an idea! We should contact the administrative office." Kunal said, "Great! Come on let's go." Arjun said, "I am not coming at all. Didn't you remember the last time I asked her about Kirti? She lashes me out of the room." Kunal smirks and shrug his shoulder, "Don't worry KUNAL is going."

They reach the office where Ms. Stella was checking out her files. Kunal stealthily enter her room, took a chair and sat beside her.

Kunal smiled and said, "Ms. Stella! How are you Baby?"

The lady in sixties put her files down and stares at Rahul and others. They point towards her back. Suddenly Kunal came in front of her.

"Ms. Stella! Do you know Mom send me a brand new recipe of gajar ka halwa and ras malai. She asks me to convey it." Kunal said. Ms. Stella, "really Kunal! Tell me fast. Wait I will write it down." She took out her Pen and notebook. Kunal winks at his friends. Kunal said, "But before that I want to ask you about someone." Ms. Stella put her pen down. She gets up and pulled Kunal's ear, "you think I am a fool. You want to know about a girl for your friends, and I will give you. Get out of here otherwise who knows it better than you what I will do." Kunal and his friends run out.

Arjun smirks and said, "So hero! What now?" Kunal said while touching his ear, "Leave her. She is not that important that I will get beaten up for her." The group left for the place they leaved. Kunal picks his phone but couldn't find his bag. The group starts finding his bag. Suddenly someone patted on his back. He turns to see a tall and beautiful girl standing holding a puppy and his bag, "Is it yours? This puppy took it away" pointing to the bag. Kunal relaxed, "Thank you so much! You know......"

Before Kunal could ask something more she left. Kunal first get shocked that a girl leaves from him like this. Kunal shakes his head, "OMG this college is filling with mystery girls. What will happen to my repo?" Kunal made faces picked his bag and leaves.

Who was she? Yes you guessed right she was our heroine Meghna.

Meghna came running to his only friend in the college Shreya, "Sorry I was just returning the bag of that guy." Shreya acted like she is about to faint. Shreya said, "Are you mad? Why am I asking you? I knew it from the day I met you. You know who he is. KUNAL SINGH CHAUHAN The rockstar. OMG you talked to him and didn't even tell me to come." Meghna made faces and said "Was he SHAHRUKH Khan, that I should call you to take an autograph. And please don't start your KC puran in front of me. Come I have to return books from library." Shreya annoyingly followed her.

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I want to ask something. Is this length enough or should I increase it? I just don't want that you get bored while reading.

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