Party time (Last Chapter)

Start from the beginning

Bhagya; what happen?!

Suraj; nothing! But ur son is hungry n will be going out for a date with his angry bird.

ArjYa; oh okay!. But only date!!!

Suraj; oh come on trust me!

ArjYa; we do trust u! But not Chakor!.

Suraj; haan even I don't trust her...! 😓!

Chakor was happy but BhuKa weren't that happy with her result.

Chakor; Maa at least I passed!!! Suraj said he still loves me! He doesn't care abt my marks.

Kasturi; Haan... what marks did he archived?!

Chakor; Arrey he topped! 99%!.

Bhuvaan; Wah that is my SIL. No. 1!

Chakor; I'm also No. 1!

Kasturi; in comparing to whom?!

Chakor pouts. Anyone!!! I'm ur only daughter!

BhuKa; haan but Suraj is our son! So no way to compare with him.

Chakor fumes. Fine keep him! She left n was getting ready for the party!

Suraj come to Chakors place with his parents as they were invited too.

Suraj comes very casually. While Chakor was looking stunning in her dress...

Suraj; Chakor u fooled me! I thought it's a date between u n me

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Suraj; Chakor u fooled me! I thought it's a date between u n me... but u have called the whole college?

Chakor smiles. Yes it's celebrations time. Right?!.

The crowd; Right!!!

Chakor; don't be angry with me!!!

Suraj; no I'm not angry with u! I love U!

They were having fun together! Just then Suraj made her twirl

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They were having fun together! Just then Suraj made her twirl....

Chakor was happy but she loses the control over her step n was abt to fall. But as she is she could handle it... n kneeled down in front of him.

Suraj smiles. He too kneels down just to be near her.

Chakor; Suraj no Cho Cho! College over

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Chakor; Suraj no Cho Cho! College over. We passed now I wanna to move on!

Suraj; move on?! Means? 

Chakor; uffo means Marriage!!!!

Suraj smiles brighter. We are already engaged!


Suraj; relax let me first find a proper job.

Chakor; no need u r hired!

Suraj got confused! Hired? But I haven't applied for a job yet!

Chakor; uff U r hired to be my Husband for ur lifetime!

Guess what a few weeks not months later...

Guess what a few weeks not months later

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A few years later

Suraj was now the CEO of the company of Bhuvaan. He has been asked by Bhuvaan who went into retirement! Just to have fun with his new lifeline...

Uhm. Of everyone!!!


The end !

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The end !

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