2: Punished

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Hi, I'm back with a new chapter, thanks so much  for the support I received for the first one! I've decided to do a weekly quote, every beginning of a chapter I will put in a quote that will be in that particular chapter.

"I'm sorry.
-Hanna Marin"

Aria stared at Hanna, her eyes clouded with confusion and doubt.
"Hanna?" She said, glancing at her friend to see her reaction.
She repeated the word, yet Hanna's expression didn't change in the slightest, her face glowing with insanity, and apparent unfamiliarity towards her long lost best friend.

She bombarded Hanna with questions varying on different subjects about her disappearance, and the meaning of this place, with no answer or avail.

Aria found her eyes traveling down, towards her friend's swollen stomach, not used to seeing her like that. And she wondered why Hanna seemed to have gone crazy, yet the "I'm sorry" that she had whispered in Aria's ear during their hug told her otherwise.

It was then that Aria's phone vibrated again, but she ignored it's desperate attempts to claim her attention until it began to heat up in her pocket and she took it in her hand.

"Play with the Dollhouse." Aria read out as her phone cooled down, confused. "What does the '1 point' mean in the corner?"

But Hanna's phone vibrated, and she read the text like a normal person. And then before Aria could react, she was walking out of the Game room (whose door had mysteriously opened), closing it behind her.

Aria began to scream, knocking on the locked door.


She finally understood that her friend was not coming back, and sat on the cold floor, sobbing. She had looked for Hanna for 6 months, yet finding her was a lot more terrifying than she's expected.

Her phone buzzed again, and she felt it slowly warm up with the 'play with the Dollhouse, message.


She preceded to run about the room, throwing objects about, yelling, sobbing, as her phone burnt her hand.

It was when Aria ran over to the dollhouse that was firmly stuck to the table, and started to throw the mini furniture in it on the floor that her phone stopped burning.

Shocked, Aria dropped it, staring at a new  burn mark on her hand. She felt dizzy from her sudden outburst, and wondered why the person behind her hell had gone silent.

Then, from the speakers in the room rang out a loud, irritable beeping noise. Aria recognized instantly, and tried to cover her ears, pounding on the firmly closed door.

She sat there, yelling and clawing at the door in the room, surrounded by doll furniture, pieces of board games, and a mini Hanna doll that stared at her with creepy eyes.

The beeping continued without a single second of pause, and Aria rolled on the floor yelling. As she thrashed against the cool metal where her feet had previously stood, her head pounded, her ears ringed, shrieked and begged for the noise to leave. Her fingers tangled in her hair, breaking her nails as she tried to find a way to escape the torturous noise.

Her phone then beeped and lit up.

'Leave the room. Now!'

Aria stood up, and ran out of the door the second it opened and closed it firmly behind her. But then she realised that the sound continued in the long corridor and even louder, and she ran past rooms, her head beginning to pound again, feeling her heart beat in her chest, her throat burning from shrieking.

When she got to her 'room', she tried to open the door, but found it completely locked. She threw herself against it, begging, pleading and desperately pounding on it. Eventually it did open and Aria fell onto the carpet that decorated the floor.

The door closed, and Aria fell onto the bed, sobbing her heart out. She thought about how, when Alex Drake had been kidnapped that it was all over. But it never was with A, or who ever this person/people called themselves. She had so many questions, this dollhouse seemed much bigger than the first one, how had the person paid for it? They must have a lot of money. And they must be clever, having made their own phones. 

Was Addison here too? The police had suspected that Hanna and Addison would be together somewhere. And was the person running this place really Alex Drake? Or Mary Drake? Or both? It made sense, Mary Drake had seemed to be nice until she'd escaped prison with her daughter.

And what about Hanna? Was the person making her act crazy? Was she crazy? Did Aria imagine the 'I'm sorry?' Who was this new villain, why did they make this place, who are they, why was Hanna taken first, why did this place look so nice and organised, like they were going to be there for a long time?

She began to drift off, her body exhausted with fatigue and many questions, when she felt a vibration against her pocket. She ignored it, too tired to move her hand, and suddenly felt a sudden, immense electric shock go through her body, waking her up. 

Moaning in frustration, she looked at the object that had stopped her from sleeping.

"Think that was it? You might be new here, but you're not getting off that easy. Try and relax, Aria, it's going to be a long night!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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