| t e n ; a week later |

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• H e - h a d n ' t - l o s t - t h e m - a l l •

Bill fluttered his eyes open as his eyes fell on Henry, sitting beside him in a chair, a man just walking out of the room. It didn't take him long to notice he was in a hospital room since georgie got sick fast he'd been here a lot.

"W-What happened?" Bill asked, a tired groan as he sat up and turned to see his clothes sitting on a table by a window.

Henry sighed, "Your parents are on their way. They didn't want to tell me at first but—" Bill lifted his brows as his way of telling him to go on. Henry sat on his bed beside him and shook his head before turning to Bill with an angry expression.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He argued, carrying a hurt and angry expression. Bill wondered what it was he was talking about and if the losers knew he was here.

"That you weren't eating, Bill! Why didn't you tell me? Is it because I'm not one of the losers? Because I'll always be a bully?!" He yelled, standing up and throwing his hands in the air as he walked around the hospital room in anger.

"N-Not everything is about you!" Bill's eyes started to water as his face scrunched up in anger, he was pissed, not only at the world but at himself for being stupid enough to go to Henry.

It wasn't Henry's fault, nor was it his job to save him, and he sure as hell didn't want him to find out, especially not from a doctor instead of himself.

Henry sighed and apologized, "I know. I'm just- trying to understand, Denbrough." Bill smiled and nodded, a forced chuckle through his lips as Henry finally sat back down instead of pacing in anger and making Bill anxious.

"I've got d-demons I'm n-not ruh-ready to f-face, let alone t-talk about." Henry nodded, understanding Bill and respecting his decision to keep this to himself until he was ready to talk to him or anyone about it.

Not long was the silence interrupted by Zack, Bill's father, Sharon, Bill's mother, and Georgie, Bill's younger brother. Georgie ran up to Bill and threw his arms around him, not caring if it hurt his older brother or not.

He sighed in relief into Bill's chest before standing up and seconds later having their mother hug Bill and push his hair out of his face.

Zack turned to Henry and shook his head gratefully, but Henry had heard a lot of horrible stories told by Bill, he knew his father wasn't as mighty as he made himself out to be. "Thank you." Zack smiled.

Henry nodded and pulled away, turning to Bill and smiling, "Well, I'll be out there if you need me, Denbrough." Bill nodded and smiled, murmuring a thank you to him as he turned and walked away.

Henry walked out, a very tired smile, a yawn escaping his lips as he ran his hand through his hair, tucking the other into his jean pocket.
Only to soon be interrupted by the losers and their worried expressions.

"Is Bill, okay?" Richie asked, still trying to catch his breath as he looked into Henry's eyes, desperate for the answer. They were all desperate to hear what had happened or if he was okay, not getting over the fact that it was a few hours after their fight.

Henry sighed and turned back to Bill's door, wondering how he would feel if he told the losers. After debating it in his head for a minute or two, he decided it wasn't his place to tell them. But that didn't mean he wasn't going to tell them nothing.

"I don't know what happened between you guys or what Bill told you, but Bill didn't, nor would he ever, do anything to hurt anyone, you should know that." Henry shook his head, disappointed in not only himself but in the six friends that stood before him.

As he walked away the losers saw Bill through a window, seeing his baby brother hold onto him as he sobbed in his arms. They all felt terrible, but none was willing to speak up and say they were wrong for how they acted.

They couldn't admit it.

"What do you think happened?" Eddie's voice seemed much louder than before being that they had been staring at Bill in his hospital bed for awhile in silence.

Stanley turned to him and placed his hand on his shoulder, "I don't know, Ed's. Let's just be grateful he's okay now." Eddie sighed and nodded, looking at the other losers to see what they were feeling.

Bill was always able to read them and help them express what they were feeling. Whether it was sad, angry, stressed, or even scared. He knew what to do.

"Let's go.." Richie turned on his heels and shook his head.

They turned to him and stared at him in confusion, he was the one that told them bill was here, he was the one who couldn't sleep until he saw Bill. Why had he want to go home before they got to see him?

Mike exchanged glances and stepped forward, "I thought you wanted to talk to him, Richie." He stated, the others nodding, Eddie clearly seeing something more bothering him.

Richie sighed, "I wanted to see him and I have." He didn't bother to turn to the others, his downcast eyes were glued to the hospital floor as he battled the tears from falling.

Eddie saw them all debating whether or not the should join Richie and leave, he was shocked that they were been thinking of leaving.

"Guys!" Eddie stood in front of Richie and the losers shaking his head furiously, "We can't! He needs us, no matter what we're dealing with, he needs his friends." Richie's eyes met Eddie's, a tear slipping from his eye.

Richie shook his head, "Your wrong." with that he walked away leaving Eddie and the losers all in utter shock and confusion, something else was going on here and they could feel it.

Eddie turned to the others and lifted his brows, "Well.. you guys will stay with me, right?" Stanley turned to the others and sighed, turning back to Eddie and shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, Ed's, but Bill lied to us. It just doesn't feel right pretending like things are okay when they're not." Stanley stated, openly and honestly, Eddie was stunned at how Richie and Stanley could be so quick to leave.

Stanley walked past Eddie turning to Beverly to see if she was joining him, "Bev?" Eddie's voice cracked as he stared at the redhead in hopes she'd be on his side out of all of them.

But she refused to meet his eyes and joined Stanley, leaving Ben and Mike with Eddie. Eddie sighed and looked at them, "I won't stop you from going, but I won't join you. Bill is my friend." Eddie started to walk to Bill's hospital room when Mike and Ben grabbed his wrists.

"He's our friend too." They both said, carrying a reassuring smile as Eddie sighed in relief.

"Then let's go see our friend." They nodded in agreement and knocked on the hospital door, hearing a come in from Bill's father.

Bill's eyes moved from his brother to his three friends now walking in the hospital room with smiles on their faces. "Hey, Bill." Mike said.

"Hey, guys." Bill returned the smile and sighed in relief, he hadn't lost them all.

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