On leave

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Liz told the team that we on leave

We have four weeks leave before we going to deployed to Baghdad for a year

We said "yes sergeant" then went back to work

When work ended, me and Liz went back home

We back our duffle bag and some marine drove us to the bus station then we were off back home

Liz live in Texas and I live at cailfornia

The bus took us to the airport

We wave bye to the bus driver and then we went inside the airport

The works and the people will come up to us and said "thank u for your services"

we got a ticket for Texas and AZ

We wave bye to each other then went to our planes

We were of back home

I was going to spend time with my friends and my sister

Me and my sister started talk,FaceTime and text each other

She told me that she was going to be in California for 2 months

I told her that I'm coming home and she was so happy

She told me that she going to be in the airport waiting for me

I didn't see her for 7 years and An didn't see me 11 years

i finally made back to AZ

my freind Kat was going to pick me up at the airport and let me sleep at her house

i got out of the plane and i see Kat

when i went to basic training to be a marine and Kat was going to college to be a cop

this the day, this first time that going to see each other again

Kat ran to me and we hug

it was amazing to see each other again

Kat said "wow you change alot"

i said "thanks you did too"

Kat said "i like your uniform"

i said "thanks and i like your too"

then we walk to Kat car

we were off to her house

Kat told me that she dating a marine

i said "who"?

Kat said "tom from my team"

i said "tom"

Kat said "yes"

i said "how did you guys meet"

Kat said "facebook"

i said "cool that great"

then we finally made to Kat house

Kat ask me why i'm back in AZ?

i said "i'm on leave"

Kat said "leave what that"?

i said "i'm going to Baghdad in 4 weeks"

Kat said "ok"

it was fun hunging out back in my hometown

i hung out with tons of my freinds but not any of my family

my family dont love me but my dad and an was my family

my dad pass away like couple months ago

i didnt see an for 7 years

everone in AZ now me and they all love me

they well help me when i need it when i was in AZ

they were all happy to see me again

they did a four day party for me

everyone in my hometown of Cave Creek  now that i'm depolying to Baghdad

i stayed in Cave Ceek for two weeks and then i stayed in Cailforina for a week

it was amazing to hung out with my  friends again

i wave bye to all my freinds and my sister, then i was off to Texas  to see Liz

we hung out until we have go to Baghdad

we stay in Texas for four five days

it was fun to meet Liz family and friends

they love that we are in the marine and in love

we wave bye to them and pack our things in the duffel bag

we worn our uniform

we went to the bus stop and we were off to Fort Jackson

we made to Fort jackson

the whole team wave bye to our family and freinds

we went into the bus and we were off to Baghdad for a year

Warrior heartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon