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🐰 Tagged by: @kiri06 hi 😊

▪ I get tagged a lot but this is the first time I'm doing it.

1. I graduated and got my bachelor's degree in Hospitality Management.

2. They say I'm a female version of Jungkook, well except I'm small and I'm a bit lazy to exercise 😂

3. I often mute group chats.

4. I rather stay in the house and write random stuffs than going out.

5. I've been to Bangtan's concert last year and it was the best moment for me in life. They look so majestic in person.

6. I'm jobless at the moment lmao.

7. I'm more of a cat lover than a dog lover. I have 2 cats. One female, a calico cat named Chim and one male named Mongsil.

8. I love to bake and cook.

9. I got complimented about my voice when I auditioned for a choir just because of my best friend that want to join. I was a soprano lol I'm...

10. I grew in the field of arts but I didn't get to improve them as I grow old but I wanted to start again.

▪ A joke? I don't have those. Ask Seokjin. (I really miss him tho, I hope he's doing fine ㅠㅠ)

▪ Tag 28 people (some are random picks)
-jeonkookie jikookcaramel detaeled jikookiest
2JaesAngstyMommy Bangtan_Mochis regitahafnie azhprincess -mochu nochuminie yoongiversal xjeojang k00kachu astaetine potatojimin ARSG0T7 sincerelytae Melinchenmel minkoook BreadShownu hosexing behlovedbts Taehyung_Tata ssugaly Jikookis4real _JeonJungkookBias jikookied_ jikook_9795

▪ A spoiler? I don't even know what to spoil lmao.

▪ The rules of this tagged is attached at the multimedia section 🐰

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