Chapter 5: Warm

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A/N: Yeah, yeah. Its kinda short. I swear the next one will be longer! Anyways enjoy!


He dressed casually, call up the driver, and was brought to any random breakfast joint he could think of.

Sunny side up eggs with a portion of pancakes and sausages. A western breakfast. With a cup of coffee.

He sat in the cafe, sipping the bitter drink. He knew that he would have to write his speech for the event that in a few days but didn't know where to start. He brought out a small journal and a pencil and started to jot some ideas down.

By the end, he had filled almost 3 full pages of ideas although only half of them are of any value.

He set down the notebook and took another sip.

It was a nice warm day with a couple clouds drifting here and there. He thought back to yesterday and what happened.

Even the King of Shamelessness had felt embarrassed. Shocking right?

He truly felt that he could finally be happily in a relationship again. He wondered where Zekai was going to bring him later in the evening.

Feeling full, he stood up, pocketed his journal and paid for his meal.

Life in City S sure was different than in City H.

No rabid Excellent Era fanboys, instead they were replaced with Samsara fans. It was ridiculous how Zhou Zekai's face was plastered on every cosmetic or fashion item although it was quite amusing.

Ye Xiu would have a headache if he had marketed himself back when he was in Excellent Era. He was glad he didn't care about public appearances. He could walk around without fans running around screaming. Now that would be scary.

Despite his popularity, he hasn't shown his face very often. Even though his has attended interviews, people knew more of his name than his face. Though if he was sporting his Glory jackets then people would recognize him instantly.

He walked past an internet cafe. Memories rushed back of his time at the Happy Internet Cafe. Good times.

The weather was so nice today. Not too cold, not too warm. Just pleasant.

"Um excuse me." Said a foreigner that run up to him. He had long blond hair with a buzzcut down the left side and a pair of glasses.

"Do you speak English?"

Ye xiu replied with a quick "Yes."

"Oh good. Can you give me the directions to the Pink Lotus Hotel? I've gotten lost."

"Take a right at the end of that road, then go past the lights and then take a left near the dumpling cafe."

"Thank you! You're a lifesaver." The foreigner shook his hand and ran off.

Ye Xiu felt a bit overwhelmed. Foreigners sure are weird. Overly cheery and dramatic.

He continued to walk down the street. Just when he was walking past a bookstore, something caught his eye.

In the store next to the bookstore, there were small figurines of Glory characters. Tiny Dancing Rains, Vaccarias, One Autumn Leafs, and others. He spotted a tiny Cloud Piercer too.

He walked in to take a look since he had plenty of time.

He bent down to get a better view. He spotted a tiny Cloud Piercer too. There were only 1 or two left.

He picked one up. They were all made to look identical to their Glory counterparts except for the faces, being modeled after their players. It was a tiny Cloud Piercer with Zhou Zekai's face and holding two pistols. Quite adorable really.

"Ah, those sell very well." The manager said from across the counter.

"I bet they do. After all, he's the face of Glory." He smiled.

"If you're thinking about buying that one, you should also buy this one as well." The manager holds up a Tiny Lord Grim figure. It held his signature Myriad Manifestation Umbrella.

Ever since he was back, the Alliance has tried to market Lord Grim. They had specifically patched his looks so that the abysmal mismatch armor wouldn't look so puke inducing.

"This one is also flying right off the shelves. Our second best seller!"

Feeling quite amused, he agreed and bought the two. They were placed in a nice box and then transferred over into a black and gold bag. He waved his hand and bid a goodbye.

He strolled along the brick red tiles of sidewalk. He had no real destination.

Just breathing in the fresh air and soaking up the sun.

He sat down in a nearby park under the shade, listening to the birds chirp and feeling relaxed. Before he knew it he fell asleep.

He awoke a couple hours later when his phone had gone off. He had set an alarm earlier in the day to remind himself to get ready for the date. He groggily got up, making sure he didn't lose any valuables, and walked to the main road where he awaited the family driver.

At the Ye Mansion, he changed out of his clothes for some more fancy yet casual clothing. It was quite chilly outside.

He had chosen a black long-sleeve shirt, grey vest, dark gray skinny jeans, and a pair of blue sneakers. He stuffed a dark-blue tie in his pocket just in case. Oh, and essentials.

He looked in the mirror. Not bad.

It was 7:45 pm and Ye Xiu calmly waiting till 8.

He placed the two figurines on one of the shelves above his desk. They looked quite adorable together. He knew he was going to get teased by Su Mucheng later but he didn't care.

As soon as the clock struck 8, a loud ringing was heard from the front of the house.

He opened the door.

Zhou Zekai was here. He wore a stylish leather jacket, green neck scarf, thin V-neck sweater, jeans and leather boots.

Zekai may be shy and antisocial but a good fashion sense is what he does have.

"Senior! I mean... Ye Xiu. I've come to pick you up." Zhou Zekai motioned over to a motorcycle, and threw a helmet over to him.

"Wow, aren't you cool today." He said jokingly.

They got on. Ye Xiu wrapped his arms around Zekai's waist. The engine revved up and they were off.

He felt the cool gentle breeze whisk by. He buried his face further into Zekai's warm back. City lights whizz by.

"So, where are we exactly going?"

"That's a secret."

Ye Xiu just awaited for their destination.

To Be Continued...

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