Mothman x reader nsfw

Start from the beginning

So you ponder for a moment, about how to really give it out to them.
"I guess so, but I won't owe you much else."

Your last word was ignored as the being began to fly onward, you giving out a cry to call it back before deciding to follow.

You followed the sound of it's beating wings, your legs beginning to feel heavy with all the running you'd been doing, though you noticed that the creature could perhaps fly faster than that...
When it was rather sudden, it dipped in the air to a specific area.

Finally, you had a bit more to go, then you could stop. That is, if you could find where it had gone.

Once you were in the area you thought it had landed, your eyes scan the scenery-nothing much here, all you had done was pass a few more patches of vegetation.
Though the ground did look rather crumbly here-

And then something fluffy popped out of an opening in said ground, recognizable.
It's hairy arms beckoned you in its direction.

It was only the mothman from earlier!

It tugged at your ankles for you to slide in the burrow, you not surprised at the little to no light in its home.

It was pretty bare, just an empty burrow it had dug for it to call home. But what you found rather peculiar, to say the least, was that a moth was living underground.

"Is the darkness just a preference or...?" You ask half jokingly half as slight bait for more information on the subject.
As the creature shuffled around with your broken radio, the sound of a few things clunking here and there, it began.

"When baby...I live here. It old nest. Humans...scary, loud. So I stay."

So that meant there could possibly be more of its kind?
It's an immense amount of trust needed to tell you that though...

One of its long arms reach out to hand you the patched up radio (which you wouldn't say aloud but now looked worse than earlier) for you to claim again.

So you do. You flick it on and off, tried everything you were supposed to, only for the same expected result as before-

"What did you even use to fix this, if I may ask?" You had noticed that the whole thing was rather...sticky, as well.

The moth being parted it's mandibles and out trickled some form of saliva. It's viscosity seemed to be thicker than a human's, yet less like honey.

You isn't know wether you should be disgusted, intrigued or mad at the fact that it couldn't fulfill its promise.

The last of the liquid dripped to the ground, having you hesitant for a moment. It would be of utmost rudeness to refuse, after all, it seemed so proud of its work and more interested in you...

"F-fine, but I don't know how it would work with you because well...y'know..." you gesture at the inhuman body with you.

"We try." It cocked it's head to the side, a shrug-like motion.
And indeed, you did.

For a start, the creature tried to brush your face with its mandibles, the hair tickling your skin. Until you realized this could be done an easier way-
With your tongue, you gently ask entry to what was behind said mandibles, getting access to a tentacle- a tentacle of a tongue, really.

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