Mothman x reader nsfw

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So far, it had been three weeks.

And once every few days, you'd step into the lesser busy parts of town, the ghosted areas. Where not a soul could spy on you or your actions.

It had struck you as a good idea to bring a small radio or speaker to finally be able to listen to music, as now people could finally leave you alone to the much more pleasant experience. were always feeling as if something was staring down at you from the heavens, and frankly, it had you leave early at times.

But this evening, as you busied yourself with something else you'd brought on your trip, perhaps a sketchbook or some reading material. It was sudden, but you could hear the sound of your music being...broken?

The radio had in fact, been torn to shreds. The perpetrator hadn't quite thought out his way of escaping, because you suddenly hear the flap of large wings panic around you.

Just behind you, you locate the sound to have stopped on a near branch of a tree crowded with leaves. In the midst of said leaves, was quite the predicament-
A creature had made a mild attempt to flee after breaking your things, yet wasn't hidden very well on the matter.

You couldn't even say 'flee'- this was a moth.

Yet it has a humanlike figure, cowering inside its wings, the "if I can't see you, you can't see me" method.

You decide to hold in your anger at it, as this thing would most likely fly away from anything. Yet, you could feel it's humanlike presence. "I just want to know why you'd go and wreck my things..." you muttered after a long pause.

"Ah...Human...? My Human...not good. Sorry for...wreck?"

The moth creature flapped it's mandibles out of the character that corresponded to its body- it wasn't accustomed to human language. It's voice was low yet sweet enough to sound human, which is what struck you as odd.
"I understand that, but...why?"

It tilted it's head at you slightly, rubbing its second pair of hands together in a nervous manner.

"What is...?" The moth-being gestured to your now mangled radio piece.

"This? My radio?"

" Makes noise. I like the noise."

So it had been attracted to the music, just confused as to what it was.

"I sorry." It repeated in its choppy English. "Fix?"

"You're gonna fix it?" You let the being step down from its spot on the tree to take the broken item in one of its pair of hands.
It stares down at you with its nightly shaded eyes, antenna twitching.

"I fix. You mate?"
"I what?"
"I fix." The being holds your object with a skinny arm, inching it at you.
"Then you become mate."

So it was offering a trade?
If they fixed the thing it broke, in return you become it's mate?
That wasn't fair at all, considering this creature had broken it and deserved to fix it without anything in return.

Yet, the idea of sinking your face willingly in the tuft of hairs at its neck, not having to partake in a human world...
It had its inconveniences, but you figured that if people in the past could do it, so could you. Hell, maybe you'd be able to live your human life with this moth creature.

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