Chapter 4

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He took me to the door on the roof and lead me to all the way to the first floor. " I know it wasn't completely necessary to tell you to meet at the roof, but I wanted to talk to you before you saw really heard everything you needed to hear, "Jack said. I stopped him when we reached the door. "Look you ambushed me at the library like some lunatic then you drag me all the way here say something completely insane and you are not giving me any answers, so please tell me what is going on or I'm going home." I was so angry and lost and I just wanted to punch him and scream for bringing up my parents who he couldn't have met what is he even talking about "they didn't want you to know," what does that even mean. "I know just bear with me alright" I can hear a little bit of annoyance and anger in his voice. Why is he getting so upset? He is not the one who dragged here just to be even more in the dark than before.

He opened the door to this dark room. A woman was leaned up against the wall. She was tall and muscular by what I can tell. She reached over and hit a button turning on all the lights. The walls were painted in a really bright white that hurt my eyes. I looked around the room and realized that we were in a small office and the wall she was leaning on was an cubical. I got a good look at her now that she was in the light. She had long raven black hair that moves so beautifully when she moves. She had intense hazel eyes that really popped out because of her eyeshadow. Her black tank top showed off her sleeve of tattoos on her left arm. She also had a small Korean flag tattooed on her shoulder. He was the scary type of pretty that sent chills down your body when you looked at her. She was one of the most beautiful people I have ever met. I knew she knew what I was thinking because my mouth was dangling open. She giggled and came closer to me. "My name is Ji-woo I'm in charge around here. I know you must be very confused right about now, so before you go inside I want to talk about who you are and... what you are." I stood there silent trying to wrap my head around everything that's been going on in the last ten minutes. "Ok, Esha I'm going to cut right to the point we don't have much time. Your parents were part of a small secret group called the divine. They protected the world from other people or beings that have supernatural power without the world knowing. At first, there were only four of them. Your parents Alishia and Sai, me, and Theodore. For years we fought together until eventually, the world didn't need us anymore. Your parents and I understood that and we moved on. Your parents had you and I had my husband Young-jin. We were moving on with our lives, but Theodore couldn't get over the fact that no one knew what we had done. He wanted everyone to know who he was and what he could do and it ended up with him being a lab rat being poked and test. We warned him what could happen but he didn't listen. He was so angry that we didn't save him or back up his stories. Everyone thought he was crazy and your parents and I thought it was better it stayed that way. The anger overtook him and he attacked, nearly killing us all. We finally had him into our custody until he escaped. Your parents were terrified that he would come back and kill you and decided to never tell you who you truly were." Ji-woo searched my faced to see if I was either going to faint or throw up. I sat in one of the chairs and rubbed my temple. "Ok let me get this straight my parents were secret superheroes who flew around saving the world," I said looking at them both. They looked at each other then back at me and shook there heads yes. "So, if I believed anything you just said which I don't. What does any of this have to do with me?" I ask. "I have been getting signs that Theodore is back and stronger. For the past 2 years, I had to gather people like us and building a team since we learned he was building an army. We thought we were strong enough that we didn't have to bring you into this but we need you and your powers" she places her hand on my shoulder and gives it a light squeeze that hurt more than she meant to. I ignored the pain and looked at her in confusion. "Powers I don't have powers?" She looked at me for a second. Probably trying to figure out how to explain this in a way I can fully understand. Her hand reaches for my amulet and holds in her hand and stares at it. "They told you to never wear it," her voice is soft like she is truly sad. "Only if I felt like I truly needed it. They told me that if I wore it nothing good would come my way and the hid it. I only found it after they died and ever since then I felt like I'm being drawn toward it." I say my voice shaking. They were right I wear it one day and I'm already making bad decisions listening to a total stranger. "There are many different types of power but the main ones the elements. Being able to control the elements is a great gift and very few people can do it. You father could control three of the element earth, wind, and fire. Which no one has ever seen, but the one who was truly great was your mother. She was the only one ever who could control the water element. It is the strongest element in the world and she had it. Theodore was once your mothers best friend. He was the one who gave her the necklace. The blue amulet symbolized her amazing power. She wanted you to have it but feared that Theo would recognize and kill you. They also knew that if you wore it would lead you to us when you need us or when we neede you. Your mother was amazing and powerful as was your father, but you Esha Saloni are the most powerful beings in the world. You are capable to control every element giving you another power called Atmokinesis. That means you can control the elements and the weather which is unheard of. You are the first of what we call 'The Great Divine'

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