Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

•°•Layla•°• (Flynn to the right>>)

Stretching my arms over my head, I look at my two sisters that are practically laying on top of me. They look so peaceful. I see that Lily got her nose pierced. I gasp, Laura's got a ring on her finger?! I squeal, making them jump off the couch; scared. When they realize that I'm fine, Lily gives me confused look.

"The ring." I point to Laura's left hand. Her eyes open wide as she realizes my freak out. A big grin slowly crosses her face.

"I'm getting married!!" She beams, jumping up and down. I couldn't do anything but smile back and jump along with her.

"I'm so excited for you. But too who?" I asked so confused. She's getting married and I have know idea too who.

"I met him right after you left to go bad to school after Christmas break. I know that everyone thinks that it's so soon but, I love him, and he loves me," She declares, shrugging her shoulder.

"I'm happy for you." I hug her tightly. My sisters getting married. Holy crap.

"When?" I asked, looking between her and Lily.

"Well, we were waiting on you to come home before we decided." Laura smiles.

"AWW!! I love you guys!" I beam and hug them.


After breakfast with the family and having a fun morning throwing ideas around for the wedding, I settle with a hot shower. It's just so much to take in. Laura getting married and was going to move in with Matt, her fiance.

I asked Lily if she wanted to go shopping, which she never says no to. But she declined, saying she had dance practice? I didn't even know she liked dance? Plan two, I asked mom if she wanted to go out for lunch, snd she said she was already having lunch with Karen? Who's Karen? And not last but least, plan three. I asked dad if he wanted to go to the golfing range. I didn't like golf but I do anything to hang out with my dad. He declined and said he was going to bob's to watch the big game. What big game?

I've missed so much being away for four years. I would of thought they wanted to hang out with me and catch up. Considering I've been away for four years? I guessed wrong. They have lives too and can't drop everything just because I'm home.

Instead of setting around, I text Flynn. Asking him what he's doing.

"Hey Babe! I miss you. What are you doing?! :)" -L

"Getting ready to go into an important meeting. Still picking you up at 6:30?" -F

"Of course. I can't wait! My family has better things to do then hang with me :(" -L

"I'm sorry. I'll be there as soon as I can. In the mean time. Do you have an evening gown? If not go get one. My friend is having a formal party and I want to take you to meet my friends?!" -F

My heart skips a beat. He want's me to meet his friends? Aww, at least someone cares. I frown at my previous attempt to spend time with my family.

"Okay! Is it tonight or tomorrow?" -L

"Tomorrow. I'll see you at 6:30. Have to go to meeting now. Love you Baby! <3"-F

"Love you too <3" -L

I don't get a response, knowing he is going into a meeting.

I'm not in the mood to go shopping by myself. Rummaging through my closet the only dress that would pass as and evening gown is my senior prom dress. Yes, my prom dress. I hope it fits! I slide the green strapless dress on. It actually fits better then it did at prom. The bust is tighter then it was a prom, which is good it'll keep it up.

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