Thank the heavens for Sammy

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You heard Sammy saying your name. "(Y/N) where are you? I am really worried you missed lunch." "Sammy I am in my locker! Help me please!" You cried out. "(Y/N)? Your in your locker how? Whats to combo?" Sammy asked. "Long story Sammy"You said. "JUST TELL ME THE LOCKER COMBO!" Sammy yelled at you. "Ok, ok 12, 4, 26, 17 (I made that up sorry if that's your locker combo.)" you told Kushi. With a loud "Click" Sammy set you free from your locker prison.

Luci's pov.

"Luciano wake the fuck up!" "I am up!"I said. "where gonna miss the bus." "I SAID I AM UP YOU BASTARDO!" where are my knives when I need them?  (NOTE: yes, I know why is Luci missing his knives? well he got them taken away by a teacher, I KNOW WHAT YOU WERE THINKING so..) I hurried down to the bus stop. There was this girl, the new girl who moved into the house next door. I have to admit she was kind of cute~I should stop lying, she was hella cute. 

On the bus:

Every one had noticed her. "Hey look at the new girl!" "Are you sure she is new?" "I have never seen her around before!" "A new girl!" "She is a cute one~" of course Francis always hitting on girls. "You say that about every girl you see." " I know but honestly she is a cutie." Everyone was looking at this new girl. I choose made a face like Lovino and did not look at her. She sat next to that weird girl Sammy, a girl who  wears cat ears. why am I even thinking about this stupido ragazza? Oh yeah she is a new punching bag for me and my gang! 

"Welcome class so today we have a new student named (Y/N) (Y/L), (Y/N) please stand up. So Who wants to show (Y/N) around the school?"My homeroom teacher Mrs.Brown  said. "I would like to show (Y/N) around." said Elizabeta. "Elizabeta, you may show (Y/N) around."Mrs.Brown said.

(Y/N) started to walk over to wear this Elizabeta was sitting, but I guess you did not see that I stuck my leg out. For the  a second everyone could see up your skirt."Dam get a load of (Y/N)!"     "(Y/N) is such a clutz!" "OMG" "That so funny!" " What a stupid ragazza."I said. "HAHA look at her!" "That's not nice." Elizabeta why are you such a fun killer?  (Y/N) got up pick up her books and continued walking to Elizabeta. "Boys for you, dumb and dumber they get." Elizabeta said to (Y/N), Well I Elizabeta I thought you and (Y/N) don't even know whats coming after (Y/N) "I know right." (Y/N) said. WHY (Y/N) YOUR ON MY NERVES AND I THINK I HAVE A SMALL NO HUGE CRUSH ON YOU ALL READY!!! STUPIDO ,STUPIDO, WASTE OF SPACE RAGAZZA!

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