"You probably don't want to do this I am not..." She handed the baby to me and I held it far away from me. "... The best with children." I said sounding defeated. The baby continued to cry in my arms. The sound was killing my ears. Finally, pushing down my fear of children, I cradled the baby in my arms. The baby's cry almost instantly stop. She looked at me with her big beautiful blue eyes and smiled a smile that I have not seen in what feels like forever. I couldn't help but smile as-well. "There, there. No one is going to hurt you. Your safe." She reached and grabbed a strand on my curly red hair, holding it tight in her hands. I continued to sway and rock her back and forth, whispering soft words to her until she fell asleep.

"Yes. You are very bad with kids." Imogen said with a smile. Was that sarcasm? I didn't even think she knew what that was.

"What Would you like us to do about her?" Alec asked still not having any emotions.

"Well Alec because you are the head of this institute we thought that you would make the best example of a father."

I was to distracted with the adorable baby in my hands that it didn't totally register what happened until Alec scream. "WHAT!!" The baby was jolted awake and began crying harder than last time. She was screaming and squirming in my arms so much that I had to continually move her around.

"You idiot." I said slapping him very hard in the arm. "You woke the baby." Facing the baby I continued to rock her and try to calm her down. After about ten minutes of me and Alec trying to calm this baby down again, she finally fell fast asleep. When I knew that she was asleep I turn to Alec and hit him in the arm again. "Lower your voice or you will wake the baby again and if that happens I am handing her over to you, and you will have to deal with her crying and screaming."

"Sorry." Alec said still emotionless. I wanted to roll my eyes so badly, but being in the presence of Imogen and the fact that we have just argued and I hit him a bunch of times I thought it best not to do that.

"Well... as I was saying Alec you are going to be Olivia's father figure, and Clary you being a strong warrior and a great role model I am making you her mother figure." My jaw dropped. Not only did I have to raise a child, now I am raising this child with Alec. Alec. Wow, does the world hate me?

"What?" Really in a situation like this they only thing I could think to say is 'what'.

"Yes, and for what I have seen today you are more than capable of handling this on your own but by order of the clave she needs a mother and a father. I have full hope that you two will have no problem taking care of a child." She said it as if it were easy. This is not easy, this is freaking life. I am twenty-one years old I am supposed to be in collage and finding people that will be my friends and finding the person that will be my maid of honor. Getting drunk and throwing up all night and then regretting it the next morning. Not raising a freaking child with a guy that I can't stand. This was a total nightmare.

"Ok so I will continue what I was doing and maybe we can make a hand off." Alec said looking at me still without any emotions.

"A hand off. What is she a football. Never-mind I don't even think that you could catch a football." Alec looked like he was about reply but was quickly cut off by someone speaking very loudly.

"Oh. I almost forgot. To give this baby the feeling of a mother and a father you two will now be sharing a room. Effective Immediately." Imogen said before she walked away. Now I am going to be sharing a room with Alec. This is going to be great I though with so much sarcasm in the tone that if Alec could read my thoughts he would be rolling his eyes. Even though that seemed to be the case with everything that I say or just my mer presence in the room.

"So who's room are we going to sleep in?" I asked Alec.

"You can just move your things into my room today. I have a lot of work that needs to get done." Alec replied still looking at his stupid computer.

"Wait. So you expect me to take care of a baby while also packing up everything that I own and moving it into your room. That's not possible."

"Well I think you are more than capable of figuring that out for yourself." I was this close to punching him.

"One more thing. Everything that the two parents had for the child will be placed in a separate room made for a family of this size. Mr. Lightwood I am placing someone else in charge so you can move all your things into that room. Miss Morganstern I trust you to move there as well. Someone here will show you the room when you are ready. Before you ask, yes, you both will be sleeping in the same bed. We have to keep the thought that you are parents clear for right now."

Looking at Alec with a look that said 'I win' he sighed. "Yes ma'm. Right away." He said looking down at his feet. I won this round Lightwood.

Thank you so much for reading. Hope you liked it and please comment. I will try to update every week. Bye bye for now.


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