My ears began to ring. My vision turned black. The only thing left of my body was a numb sensation that filled my nerves.

  It was all my fault. I deserved this at the least.



  Khloe's POV*


    The heat was felt against my cheek as I layed still with my eyes shut. I don't know how long I've been awake for, but it's been a while. Maybe a few hours even.

  I could feel the bed shift slightly meaning Niall was still up as well. I don't think he's even went to sleep yet because the whole time I've been awake, so as he. A smile made its way onto my face as he began to lightly circle over my back with his nails.

  From my shoulders to my neck, back to my shoulders, and then down my spine. It was a continuous pattern being made which only made me smile more.

  Maybe I should get up? Or maybe I could lay here for a little longer, taking in the lingering light from the sun that was shown into the room through the white blinds. I decided on the second option, sitting silently as I faintly listened to Niall hum. It was the same tune that he'd sang in the shower that day, and the one that Liam had played on the guitar.

  I don't know the name, or the lyrics and Niall won't tell me, but I wish he would. It's one that I would honestly just listen to all day. It was so mellow and beautiful.

  He stopped and I felt him shift before the bed grew light on his side. I slowly turned my head, my hair falling in my face in the process. I scrunched the pillow underneath me, finally opening my eyes to get a good look at him.

  It wasn't until after he had finished putting his jeans back on that he had noticed me. I had a funny feeling that started to become overwhelming as his eyes connected with mine. It wasn't a good one though. More like I was going to be sick.

  "Sorry, Khloe. I didn't mean to wake you." He spoke quietly, scratching his neck.

  "Oh, no. You didn't. I've been up for a while." I turned over and sat up, moving my hair out of the way. His shirt bunched up around my waist before I straightened it out with a sigh.

  His face paled slightly, his cheeks becoming a faint pink. "Oh, um, okay. Would you like some breakfast? It's only seven thirty, no one's probably even up yet."

  "Uh, no thanks. I don't feel very good." I swallowed, a sour taste finding its way into my saliva. "But you can go. I'll be down in a sec."

He nodded and shut the door behind him. Sighing, I lifted the covers off of my legs, before turning and swinging them off the bed. My feet came into contact with the cold, wooden floors, causing goosebumps to rise up my legs.

  I caught sight of the skirt and shirt on the floor and it was like a flash of lightning hit as the memories from last night came rushing back, making my stomach churn.

  Oh God.

  I quickly stood up, making my way out of the room towards the bathroom. I didn't bother knocking on the door, instead I just flung it open, happy to see that it was all clear as I leaned over the toilet, letting whatever was in my stomach, empty.

  Tears pricked at the corner of my eyes as I gagged, vomiting once more. I quickly wiped my mouth and flushed, leaning back to rest against the wall.

  I could hear quick footsteps drawing closer, which means that either Niall heard me or someones awake. As much as I don't want Niall to see me like this, I really hope that everyone is still passed out. I'm not so much in the mood to talk to people and I know that as soon as they see me, they're going to start asking questions and expecting answers. I'm not ready for that.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora