chapter five

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It was the day of the procedure and Tony was scared to death. What if something happened to Steve? What if it killed him?
Of course Steve wasn't scared at all. He was so brave.

"Are you ready, Steve?" Tony asked, running up to his new friend. "Ready as I'll ever be." Steve was shirtless and Tony could see his bones sticking out in all sorts of places. It looked as if he hadn't eaten in weeks.

"Alright, let's get this going," said Howard as he entered the room. Tony stood back and watched as they strapped his friend down, prepping him for the serum.

"If it starts to get to much, tell us," Dr. Erskine said as he walked over to Tony. He leaned over and whispered to him, "I'm a little nervous to be honest. This could hurt him." Tony held his breath.

"Three, two, one," and with that Howard began injecting the serum. At first the screams were faint, but then they got louder and louder and louder.

"Dad, stop! You're hurting him! Please!" Tony began to panic, believing Steve was dying. "DAD!" As Howard began to lower to levels suddenly they heard, "No! I can take it!" It was Steve. Howard looked at Tony and shook his head.

Everyone held their breaths as the doors opened and revealed the new Steve. "It worked!" Howard yelled as they all began to cheer.

Everyone ran up to Steve, touching his new body, and admiring him, but Tony stayed behind. It was all too much for him.

"How do you feel, Mr. Rogers?" He looked at Tony and smiled. "Amazing." Tony blushed at the ground.

What am I gonna do? He was so cute before, but now he's fucking hot.

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