Chapter 2

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The ceremony proceeded slowly, that Red Priestess taking her ever-holy time. The first male was selected: a large, roguish looking male who looked as if he'd rather tear out his tongue than spend his life in solitude and worship. I found it difficult to not look away from him. Whatever dark gifts he had, I could feel more than see or smell them radiating from his body. I cringed as he joined the tribute baskets, then vanished off to wherever Rhache had been sent.

Slowly, one by one, males and females were selected and sent off, each one more grim than the last. I sent a silent prayer, thanking the gods I hadn't been chosen. There was only one female left to chose— surely it wouldn't be me. I watched intently, frozen in my chair, as the tribute baskets glowed.

Loraine leaned in, as if the baskets were whispering to her. Everyone in the crowd seemed to hold their breath. Including Thedis, who was still seething at Rhache being taken from him. The Red Priestess stood slowly, her body straight as an arrow as she faced everyone. Her red lips parted, ready to damn the last female. "The gods have chosen. The seventh female, the Gift they most desire, has been selected."

My blood seemed to stop in my veins, my heart hammering. The way Loraine's eyes flicked to my family, I knew something bad would happen.

"The fairest and purest of them all. The female to lead the Gifts to their holy lives. Viktoriya Carysian."

My father was out of his chair in an instant, baring his teeth at the servants who were already turning in our direction.

I knew it. I knew my luck was nothing. My life would be not mine, but the gods'. I would be taken from my family. I would never see my home again. Fear coiled inside me. Fear and anger and hate, all now aiming for Loraine. My magic stirred, poised to strike.

But I could not fight back. It would shame my family and their great name. It would bring ruin on even myself.

So I stood, frozen, as the servants' hands gripped my shoulders, my arms. Their stoic, impassive faces did not once turn to me as they both forced my feet forward. It was a painful effort not to scream at them to be careful with the gown. But I knew I would never hear the end of it from my new companions I was sure to join any moment now.

The crowd parted like a sea struck with lightning as I was led toward that dais. I could still here, still smell, the silent tears running down my mother's cheeks. It took all of my strength to keep my own from betraying me and bruising my pride.

But the sheer wrongness of the golden baskets seemed to slap me in the face. I careened backward, snarling as the servants tightened their iron grips on me. If I had it my way, they would be in the Black Cells— cells carved from obsidian in the bottom of a single mountain— in the Dungeon off the eastern coast, where the most vile creatures and criminals were kept.

The Red Priestess smiled broadly at me as we began ascending the steps up to the dais. Her own scent made my stomach clench. Something in my mind screamed at me to run, but I was forced to ignore it.

Loraine slipped a ring of bone-white stone on my index finger and turned to the crowd, eyes fixed on Thedis. "She will be much loved by the gods."

Then the world slipped from my feet.

I was falling through blackness and cold white lights and fire and snow.

The hell melted away to a sitting room— wood-paneled walls, thick embroidered carpets, embossed chaise lounges, chairs, and couches, crystal chandeliers and figures of the gods on a mantle over a small fireplace— filled with the twelve other Gifts. Each one turned to examine me, their teeth bared, sniffing deeply. None of them seemed too pleased with whatever they scented on me.

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