A dead world

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Clarke POV

It's been forty six days since praimfaya, and the supply's at Becca's lab have ran out. No more water, no more food. It was time to venture into the harsh new world. I lifted the bottle to the taps and stood there for ten minutes taking whatever liquid was left out of the water supply. There was only five bottles, five bottles of water that could very well be our last. Who knows if there's any outside the lab. Maybe this was the last water left on this dead planet. I felt someone's presence besides me and the all to familiar rough voice picked my spirit up.

"You look like your concentrating." Bellamy said, with his sarcastic tone that was much to be desired.
"Well, I'm not leaving until I know there isn't any water left in this place."
"Yeah, the fact that whatever water is out there is soaked in radiation doesn't sound to pleasant." He smirked.
"The night blood will make it drinkable, I'm more worried about there even being any water."
"That's why it will be an adventure princess," He patted my back, but he didn't remove his hand, "all we need to do is get to the bunker then we'll be fine."
His hand still rested on my back, which gave me comfort only his touch could give me.
"If we don't die of dehydration before then." I sighed.
"Always so serious." He let out a deep breath as he moved my hair from my eyes. I looked up at him now and our eyes locked. We stood there, just looking at each other. I broke the stare, and turned for the door.

As we exited the room, I had the joy of hearing Murphy's hilarious joke. "Thought we'd never get you two out of that room, if you want we can go and find some wheels and come back for you, leave you two here for a vacation?" He asked, in his 'murphy' tone. "Good morning to you too. Good to see your spirits up again." I shot back raising my eye brows.
"Oh you know me, never a dull moment whilst I'm around."
"I'll give you that one Murphy." I smiled as he waltzed off. I turned to Bellamy, "Our death awaits."
"C'mon." he simply said.

"Emori grab the ration bags, Murphy help her." Raven's voice echoed through the room as she barked orders at us. "Harper and Monty, we need the survival bags ready for if we get lost or worse. Bellamy, grab the guns and Clarke..." Raven paused, not knowing what order to give me.
"Just do your doctor stuff." Raven shook her arms.
"Right away, ma'am." I nodded, in which return Raven shot her eyes at me smirking.

"What about me?" A new face asked.
Raven blanked her, and there was a clear hint of pain in Echo's face.
"Raven? Please!" Her voice lifted, but not in anger, in despair.
"You wanna help? Go lock your self in the disposal room and don't come out." There was a hiss to Raven's voice. It was full of sinister disgust and rage. Echo took a deep breath, she was clearly holding back emotions that she had learnt to hide as being apart of Azgeda's royal guard.
"Raven!" Bellamy yelled as he was counting the rounds of each clip.
"I didn't steal the rations." Echo stated slowly.
"Oh yeah? There's only one person in here who hates Skykru, and who's that? Because the last time I checked everyone here but you is Skykru."
"That doesn't mean she stole it." Bellamy shook his head.
"Back off Bellamy! In case your forgetting, it was this one who got Gina killed and who cheated in the Conclave trying to make sure we didn't get inside that bunker." Raven stared her down, but Echo didn't break away even though it was clear she was suffering.
"And we didn't get in, it doesn't matter anymore."
"It doesn't matter that Gina's dead bec-"
"Enough!" Monty cut in, stopping Raven in her tracks. "We could sit here all day and point fingers at who did this and that. But I would very much rather get outside and get to that bunker."
Raven gave Echo one last death glare then barged past Bellamy. "You like her so much, she can tag along with you."

Bellamy clenched his jaw, then looked up at me. He walked past Echo and headed towards the exit along with the others.

I looked at Echo, noticing there was a tear running down her cheek, I closed the distance between us.
"Hey, don't mind Raven, I know all about her holding grudges." I smirked, trying to cheer her up. "I didn't steal those rations Clarke, please, believe me." Echo pleaded, another tear left her elegant eyes, which ran down her bushy lashes.
"I do." I simply said nodding to her. She lifted her head up to me and attempted to form a smile. I looked into her big heartfelt eyes and I could see she felt unwanted, that no one cared for her life. I felt what she was feeling when I first came to the ground. When Bellamy was my enemy and everyone saw me as an outsider.

An idea came to me, to make her feel better. I lifted my hand a wiped away her tears with my thumb gently. "You don't have to be afraid or feel like you don't belong here, I know we've had a complicated past but you saved me, and I'm grateful."

She smiled again. "Thank you Clarke."
I nodded and moved my eyebrows signifying that we should head for the exit.

"What took you so long?" Bellamy rambled.
"We were just having a chat." Echo cut in before me.
I gazed at her and she back to me, she let loose a little smile and I returned one.

"Everything okay?" Bellamy asked his eyebrows furrowing.
"Yeah, we ready?" I returned.
"Ready as we'll ever be." Emori sighed.

Here goes nothing, I thought to my self.
"Raven, take us out." Bellamy nodded to her and in response, Raven smiled "Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to Earth."

"For the second time." Murphy nodded in mockery of Raven's announcement.
She raised her eyebrows smirking. "Shut up Murphy." She mumbled.
"I heard that." He replied.
"You were supposed to."

As she finished hot wiring the control panel, the door slowly opened and with it, large rubble proceeded to fall through the exit.
"Raven!" Bellamy shouted as he was rapping his arms around her waist, pulling her behind him. A large rock the size of a dictionary, broke off and hit Bellamy on the head. He collapsed to the floor with a thud, he was out cold.
"Bell! Bellamy!" I screamed as I pushed past everyone to get to him. Murphy pulled me back as more rubble fell down.
"Let me go Murphy!" I demanded in pain.
"No, no. You'll die." Murphy stated as he was using all his strength to pull me back.
"Bellamy!" I screamed as his body was covered in rubble....

Hey Guys! How'd you like part 1? I have a plan for all of this and I know where the story will go. Just wanted to ask if you like it so far? How'd you feel about Clarke and Echo, don't worry I've planned out that story already it's not what you think it's gonna be... If you like it then just hit the like button but if you think I could improve stuff then let us know and I will 👊 Oh and if you're expecting some soppy fanfic then this won't be for you 🤣

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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