Chapter 1

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Im using Bloody painters backstory made by DeluCat for this so the reader can have more insight and know Helens character before meeting a much uninvited character from Helens development. I hope my writing isn't too bad since I like to draw more rather then write so don't criticize me too much.

      In the story you are 14 much like Helen in the story currently.  I'm gonna make it like elementary though, you know with recess and junk 😂👌

    "Stop butting in Y/n!", the boy forcefully pushed the boy named y/n back, blocking him from any attempts to help the other poor boy being beaten down by a bunch a giggling bullies. "You're going too far!" Y/n shouted, trying his best to get through, but he just couldn't push his way through the meat heads that blocked him, man he really needed to get stronger. They got a few kicks and laughs  before coming to a halt.

       Once the boys had their fun they finally let Y/n go to his 'boyfriend~' as they liked to tease him about. "Here let me help you up." Y/n held his hand out along with a smile offering the boy his help. "Leave me alone." The boy named Tom scowled  scooting away from Y/n to pick himself of the ground. As you can tell these two were in no way, boyfriends. They weren't even friends, could you believe it? He tried helping Tom and he just brushed him off. Y/n clicked his tongue before spinning his heel to face another boy walking through the hallway minding his own buisness, that boys name was Helen.  His unkempt black messy hair, and dark circles that hung around his eyes signalled him to be a very strange boy. The only reason he knew him at all was because of the fact his classes got changed because of this weird teacher that seemed crazy got fired and no way did he want to be in that classroom anyways so Y/n requested a class change and it got accepted. He sat next to Helen in the new class, but Helen never spoke a word to him, he always had himself glued onto his sketch book.

       "HELEN!" Y/n shouted in an overly friendly tone to try and catch his attention. Helen gave him a quick glance before looking at the floor continuing his stroll. "So mean, at least say hi." He whined a bit and huffed walking next to him. "Why did you try helping him?", Helen asked kind of regretting speaking to the overly friendly boy next to him, since they never spoke to eachother. "Because I hate when people hurt someone else just for their own amusement... it just isn't right." Y/n's tone was a little lower and less happy as he thought about Tom getting beat up. "You're not getting anything out of it, people don't like Tom. He doesn't even seem to care about you trying to help him." Helen said having his beautiful blue gaze which you've complimented many times looking straight at you. He looked at you as if trying to say you should give up on trying to help someone so bothersome. "Well my heart won't let me Im a sensitive guy." Y/n said in a dramatic tone clinging to his chest where his heart was. Helen scoffed trying to hold in a laugh at your weird behavior. "Oh my! Did I almost see you laugh?" Y/n grinned ear to ear trying to get a better look at the guy who seemed to always keep to himself. Helen rolled his eyes at Y/n before quickly heading to class past him. It's not like Y/n didn't like class or anything it just sucked being in middle school, it was lame just like the bullies who thought they were all that. Still Y/n couldn't help the smile that was stuck on his face, he couldn't get rid of off his face, that was the most interaction he had with Helen. Big accomplishment sad to say since they sat next to eachother in class.

        Once Y/n arrived to the classroom a few people went up to him. Of course he loved being weird which made him a lovable guy towards others, causing him to have many friends quickly in the new classroom. "Hey dude!" A guy came up to Y/n giving him a high five which he happily returned. As Y/n talked to the group of kids, they all laughed at a joke he told, "You're so weird Y/n!" A girl said laughing a bit too much at his joke as a red hue covered her cheeks, it was obvious that she liked Y/n, but he brushed it off since he was a pretty dense kid and just wanted to have fun. "Yes I know, I've accepted this life." Y/n said in a serious tone as if he was on a mission. They laughed until the teacher walked in causing everyone to scatter to their seats. Y/n went to the back of the classroom where Helen was along with the Y/n's seat next to him. Helen sat next to the window which made Y/n think of how lucky he was to have such beautiful scenery next to him, He guessed that the window seat was perfect for Helens artistic flow. The teacher started her lesson with a smile while also being strict to the kids in the front who weren't paying attention. Y/n had his eyes on the teacher for a few minutes before completely losing interest, looking over at Helen who of course had his blue eyes stuck on his sketchbook as he held the pencil carefully trying to make something. Now this was something Y/n could watch, it amazed him how Careful Helen was with each stroke while he made his drawing. "Woah." Y/n let out while staring at Helens sketchbook, Helen caught on and looked over at Y/n who looked breathtaken at his drawing. He felt a bit uncomfortable with the boy staring intensely at him while drawing so he scooted away a bit with his sketchbook. "You're really good at drawing, you think you could draw me?" Y/n asked oblivious to the question that every person asks to artists. "I'll think about it." Helen mumbled continuing to draw. Y/n held a bright smile as if Helen said yes to his request on being drawn, he was being positive since he didn't get a 'no'.

Empty Canvas (Bloody painter x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now