"Oh, Princess," Azula gave a long, impatient sigh, "Why do you have to be so likable? So like me?"

Katara felt sick that she was likened to Azula at all.

"You make it hard for me to want to get rid of you. But, alas, my feelings will mend," Azula said.

"Not even hiding it, hmm?" Katara asked, hardly surprised. She'd pretty much publicly declared herself an enemy to her brother.

"You're smart enough to have known this already," Azula shrugged. "Why continue pretending otherwise? Princess Katara, had you arrived here when we were young girls, perhaps I would have accepted you into my group, like Mai or Ty Lee. I could have used someone like you."

"Used. Not been friends with, used," Katara repeated, mostly to herself in shock.

"I have no need for friends." Azula shook her head. "I do have a use for loyal followers," she corrected. "Until next time." She bowed to Katara.

She un-clenched her hand, burning away the ice and flicking the water mixed with her blood onto the floor. Katara opened her palm to see the skin of her hands blackened and burned badly.

She bit her lip hard, closing her hands and walking swiftly through the crowds to the bathroom. Aiga bounded behind her.

"That viper!" Aiga gasped as Katara opened them in front of a water bin. Katara hadn't realized Aiga had followed her.

"Yeah, but what can I do? She's not a contestant. She's Ozai's favorite and a dangerous person. I just need to have my wits whenever she's around," Katara sighed in resignation.

"Maybe once you and Zuko marry you can ship her off to the ends of the earth as a bargaining chip, a betrothal to some poor soul or something," Aiga suggested dryly. Katara laughed out loud.

"Oh, spirits, I wish."

She began to run healing water over her palms, but with both of them burned, it hurt a lot and didn't seem to be doing much.

"Aiga, can you find Eva?" Katara asked.

Eva came, followed by Yue and Toph.

"That bitch," Toph snarled. "She's just the literal worst person I've ever met. She makes Nadhari seem like a fluffy kitten."

"No one is more dangerous than someone who's about to lose it all," Yue agreed gravely.

Eva took one of Katara's hands, turning it up and began to carefully heal it.

"These are deep burns. How did you manage to keep a straight face?" Eva asked, face darkening. "I'm not sure how much I can do to heal them."

"Well, I hurt her back," Katara muttered.

"I hope you won't get in trouble for it. Azula could twist it, saying you attacked her," Yue pointed out.

"I'll pound her if she tries! If Katara goes down, I do too." Toph crossed her arms. Katara had the thought, as she'd been cutting Azula, that it might have been a bad idea. However, she thought about what she'd do; she probably wouldn't run for her father to tattle on her. And if Azula was the same as Katara, and Katara knew she was more well-versed in dangerous games like this, Azula would sit on this. She wouldn't turn Katara over to make her leave. She'd make Katara leave by herself.

But Katara was a strong person; her blackened hands proved that. She would take whatever Azula threw at her, even if the thought made her feel nauseated.

Katara leaned back onto the table, letting Eva continue healing her hands. Back and forth, Eva drew the water over the burns. There was the familiar pressure of healing water, which usually didn't hurt. This time, it felt like Eva was dragging stones over her burns, peeling them off, flake by flake.

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