"i- i'm so sorry-"

"annie, it's okay."

he reassured me.

i smiled as he put his hand over mine.

with my other hand i reached for my phone.

i held it in front of my face.

'incoming call from babyyy💘'

i coughed and showed hayden.

'that's austin, isn't it?"

he asked quietly.

i nodded as i pressed the button, accepting the call.

i put in on speaker so hayden could hear as well.

"h- hello?"

i asked quietly.

"i'll be over at 6 pm tonight. be ready, have the door open, and you better not hold back this time."

"o- okay."

"oh yeah. and i have something for you to do for now on..."

"what is it...?"

i asked, scared of the answer.

"call me daddy, baby."

"wh- what?"

i asked, embarrassed.

"you heard me. call me daddy."


i told him.

"okay, what?"

he asked, intimidating me.


i choked out.

"good girl."

he said before hanging up.

i threw my phone behind me, and avoided eye contact with hayden.

"it's okay annie..."

he whispered, pulling me close.

"hayden...i feel gross..."

i told him.

"and why is that?"

he asked.

"i- nevermind. i have a question..."

i said, facing him.

"ask away."

he told me.

i looked at the window in front of us.

coach••a hannie fanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora