My words were so jumbled that I probably didn't even make sense to him, but I guess it didn't even matter. Harry couldn't take back the fact that he'd went and slept with some random girl, and I couldn't try and make myself feel better about the situation.

I felt the weight shift on the mattress beside me before a large hand was trailing gently down my spine. "Look at me, Alice." Harry's voice was deep and low and I reluctantly turned my head to find him resting his chin on his hand, his face just a few inches from mine. His hand moved back up my body before his fingers brushed my dark hair away from my face, tucking the stray pieces behind my ear.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered, eyes searching mine as he quietly spoke. "I knew that when I told you, you would be upset. It was actually a bit surprising to me last night that you were so accepting of it... I don't know how to make it right by you, but if it helps anything, I really don't remember it at all and as soon as I woke up and realized what I'd done I was so disgusted with myself... I left immediately, and well, that was actually the first time I got back into contact with the boys."

My eyes widened with this new information and I turned fully onto my side to face him. "Really?"

He nodded. "I sat around for a few days, wondering how in the hell I was going to figure all of this out, and then I just picked up the phone and called Louis. He was furious with me at first for even bothering to talk to any of you, but slowly that wore off and I got into contact with all of them... they told me how you were doing, aside from the baby, obviously."

"What would they say?" I whispered curiously.

"That you were dealing with things well." Harry paused. "A few times Louis would mention that it had been a rough night, but you always got through it... did you cry a lot?"

I nodded silently, confirming Harry's suspicions, and he sighed heavily as one large hand moved to cup the side of my face, his thumb gently stroking my cheek. "I did it to protect you," he breathed. "I would have never left if I had any other choice..."

"I know that," I mumbled. "But I thought that when you left you were doing things, I don't know,important, not sleeping around." I paused, taking in Harry's stony expression and dark eyes. Despite his obvious irritation with what I said, his fingers didn't cease their soft touch and I took that as a sign to go on. You never told me what you were doing while you were away, or why you're even back."

Harry stopped then, his eyes narrowing. "You never asked."

"I'm asking now." I didn't like how sharp his tone was or how defensive he was being. I think I had the right to know what he'd been doing with himself for the past five months and why all of a sudden it was okay to return. Maybe staying in the dark about it would have been better, purely because then I could just live in this blissful contentment that Harry was home, but I'm a curious person.

Harry groaned as he sat up and ran a hand through his messy curls. "It's complicated," he muttered out in frustration.

"Harry, don't give me that," I complained as I, too, sat forward. "Just tell me why you're here at least. I need to know something. It gets so damn tiring being in this house with everybody knowing everything except for me! I'm just this little, ignorant, pregnant nuisance that waddles around wondering what the hell everyone is talking about and nobody bothers to involve me in any conversations! Do you know how frustrating that--"

I didn't expect Harry to cut me off, especially with his lips. This would be the third time now that we'd kissed because I was ranting and he wanted me to stop, and I froze against him, eyes wide as he gently pulled away, his face hovering inches in front of mine. "You're incredibly hot when you're angry," he mumbled.

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