"You kept this on." His words distracted me and I looked back up, finding his gaze locked just below my face. I looked down again as he reached up and hooked his finger gently around the edge of the silver chain I wore. He slid the material around until a paper plane pendant came into view. I looked up at his eyes. They were still focused on the necklace clasped loosely around my throat.

I hadn't taken off the gift since Harry had given it to me during Christmastime, nearly eight months ago now, and I never intended to remove the one piece of jewelry that I wore from around my neck. Harry had once told me that it was special to him, and that he was glad that I wore it. Over time, it had become equally special to me, a sort of silent reminder during our time apart that he wasn't just some figment of my imagination. He was really out there somewhere.

"Yeah," I whispered, nodding slightly as Harry let the chain drop from his grip and straightened up. He peered down at me curiously. I almost didn't catch the words that brushed his lips a moment later, but my eyebrows rose when I realized just a second after what he had said.

"Thank you."

He only offered me the tiniest of smiles before retrieving his bag of goodies from the floor and walking up onto the full porch. "We should get inside," he spoke. I nodded slowly in agreement before following him into the house. It was a lot warmer here, and I sighed in content as I slid my jacket off and hung it on the coat rack.

When I turned, I found Harry standing there, leaning against the now closed door, his eyes intently on me as he pushed away from the wood and passed me. I frowned, following him into the living room where he was already making himself comfortable. He sat on the edge of the couch, quickly ridding himself of his shoes, before sprawling out across the cushions.

I watched from the doorway, waiting until he looked up to steadily approach. I sat on the edge of the sofa, near Harry's feet. "Louis won't be up at least for another few hours," I admitted, "and the boys usually get here around noon... so I guess we can just err, hangout, until everyone's here."

I glanced awkwardly back at Harry, who was raising his eyebrows at me. "That's why I came so early," he said quietly. "I wanted to spend some time with you... in fact, I heard that there would be Doctor Who and food. I've got the edibles. Where's the show?"

I couldn't help but smile softly at his almost playful tone as I stood up and moved towards the television to turn it on and grabbed the remote. "Right," I mumbled as the screen sprung to life and I immediately lowered the volume before going to all of my saved episodes. I had about fifty of them, despite the fact that Louis had complained about them taking up too much room. I knew that he had a soft spot for Doctor Who, even if he pretended that he didn't.

As soon as I had selected a random episode I held my index up to Harry in a 'one moment' sort of gesture before hurrying to my room and pulling the fluffy duvet off of the bed. If Harry and I were going to sit on the couch and munch on snacks while watching Doctor Who, we might as well be warm.

Harry eyed the big blanket as I dragged it out into the living room. I paused in front of the sofa, eyeing Harry's lengthy body. He was sitting halfway up, his head being supported by his hand as his elbow sat on the armrest. The remainder of his body covered what was left of the couch, and I narrowed my eyes at what I now saw as a challenge.

If I could somehow manage to get over Harry's legs, there was space behind them. I tossed the duvet over the back of the couch before lifting up my foot and placing it on the edge of the cushions. Harry gazed at me warily. "What are you doing?" he questioned, his voice deep. I shook my head at him before lifting my entire body onto the couch, standing by Harry's legs now.

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