He seemed like he was about to say something, but paused before he did when I stood up. I noticed that my entire body was shaking, my hands in particular, as I slowly walked over to him, being extra careful with my obviously unstable balance. I still couldn't believe he was really here with me.

Harry waited, watching my face closely as I suddenly came to a standstill right in front of his tall body. He looked like he'd gotten even more muscular than before, his arms larger and tanner, proudly on display as he only wore a muscle shirt and dark jeans. He towered over me, just as he always did, but I felt slightly intimidated by the height difference as I leaned my body forward, shivering when my skin touched his.

I kept my hands in front of me, putting a small space between Harry and I. I wasn't sure if he would feel my larger stomach, but he didn't seem to as he suddenly brought his arms around me and pulled me tightly against his chest. I could feel tears forming in my eyes as I slowly inhaled, breathing in his scent mingled with the smell of petrichor.

I didn't mean to start crying. It just sort of happened. But Harry was quick to respond, his grip tightening as he rested his chin on the top of my head. I was glad that his hands didn't roam my body, because that would no doubt cause loads of suspicion on his part, and I would have no answer but the one thing that Louis was totally against me saying. Obviously, he had agreed to let Harry come see me though and that must mean that he trusted me to manage to not let the secret slip, so I threw those thoughts to the back of my mind as I cried into Harry's chest.

I was so mad at him. He had left me again, even if he had a justifiable reason. He had broken his promise. He had hurt me. But at the same time, I was so wrapped around him, so indulged in Harry Styles that I found myself wanting to hate him and let him hold me at the same time. I was having an internal debate with myself.

Harry bent down abruptly then, catching me off guard as his lips were suddenly on my neck, the slow movement of his mouth against my skin startling me so badly that I jolted away from his touch, eyes wide at his very forward action.

But he only pulled me right back to him. I was about to protest when I suddenly went very still. His hands had brushed across my hips and he too had paused before his eyes narrowed down at me. I knew what was about to come. I knew it was inevitable that this would happen, but all I could imagine was how serious Louis had looked when he said that Harry couldn't find out.

I couldn't find it in me to move or even breathe as Harry lifted his hand up, his eyes glued to my face as he slowly dragged the jacket zipper down. My entire body was shaking once he had finished in his task, and then he spread the flaps of the material apart...

My eyes were shut tightly, unwilling to open and see Harry's expression, whatever it may be. I was absolutely terrified, and I only began to tremble more when I felt Harry slowly lift my shirt up to reveal my stomach, his fingers grazing over the soft skin before he finally spoke, his words harsh and clipped.

"Open your fucking eyes."

My vision flickered briefly as Harry came back into focus, a sob catching in my throat when I saw the look deep in his gaze: he was absolutely livid, furious beyond belief. I don't think I had ever seen him quite this angry, but then again his fury was never directed at me before.

"Tell me what this is," he growled, his hand resting on my stomach. I felt conflicted inside, because while his touch was feather-light and dare I say it gentle, his words were enraged. When I didn't respond, his grip tightened fractionally. "I said to fucking tell me!" The abrupt yell had me crying out as I stumbled away from him, quickly trying to create distance between us, but Harry obviously wasn't too happy about this as he stalked after me until my back hit the far wall and his body was towering over mine, his eyes narrowed in pure rage.

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