Chapter 12: The Search

Start from the beginning

"Then who'll watch the soldiers, Envy?"

"I will." Stardust says as she softly lands between the two dragons. "As you imbeciles get yourselves killed, I may as well watch over the soldiers. I've had training, anyway."
Envy smiled at Stadust. It was like the moons' had answered his silent prayers.
"Let's go, before some idiotic dragonet finds the scroll before us."

Newt and Envy flapped into the sky, venturing off towards Jade Mountain.

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The mountain path ahead was loose rock, each one washed smooth by the river that once ran freely over them. Flying was risky business, not only because of getting caught by other hostile dragons, but also because that Envy and Newt could easily oversee the scroll in the sky. Envy observed the sunlight cascading down a gap of clouds into an azure blue lake, a faint smile forming on his face.

"I can't find the scroll anywhere," Newt points out. "I bet the SkyWings probably took it."

"They were too busy chasing us," Envy replied, turning to look at Newt who was scrambling through some bushes.

Newt looked up at the NightWing with a loud snort. "I don't think Queen Ruby was pursuing us, though. I bet she took it. Dammit."

Envy grunts at that thought. He couldn't fly all the way to the SkyWing kingdom to get the scroll-- however, if he went to achieve his goal that he risked so much for, he had to. But, also couldn't afford losing his soldiers, at least not to this. Maybe Caspian made an extra enchantment that allowed another scroll to reappear when a dragon takes one from the points the prince put them. If Envy was lucky enough, Caspian probably did it centuries ago, already knowing more than one dragon would find the same scroll.

What if Caspian didn't add that enchantment? If certain dragons had different scrolls, Envy and Newt had to take the time to steal them, maybe even kill the scrollholders. Envy, in all honesty, did not want to hurt or harm anymore dragons. It didn't feel right to him, even though he constantly has homicidal thoughts of throwing his father into a pit of electric eels or snapping his neck. Still, that was his father. The bastard that seemed to never love him, never care about his well-being, feelings, or health. He just wanted to use him, like a weapon, for his own needs. Envy didn't realize smoke was rising from his nostrils until he began to feel a warm, sizzling sensation in his chest. He sighed, closing his eyes and calming down his nerves. His father was in the past. Now, Envy knew he had to stick with the present, and help the future, not look back on things that was behind him and long gone, things that could not ever be altered again.

"Envy!" Newt hollers. "I think I found it!"

Envy sprinted to Newt, his eyes wide with anticipation. Newt stuffed his small talons into the bush, trying to retrieve something. Soon, he pulled out a dirtied, rolled up piece of paper. Newt flicked off the dirt and grim from the scroll before unraveling it. Envy's eyes scanned the sheet.

Fly by the land that is dry, up north until the wall comes forth. Near the throat of the land, where the cold dragons scan, find the jade cave and that is where your next clue stands.

"You found it!" Envy blurts, the spikes on his back shaking with excitement.

Newt grinned with pride, but Envy didn't have much time to acknowledge it as he reread the scroll again, but he looked around cautiously, making sure no other dragons were around.

"What do you think it is?" Envy asks as his eyes drifted from the scroll to Newt. The IceWing shrugged.

"I have no idea whatsoever. But, we can just-- follow what clues it gave us for now. So, let's see... north. Up the Kingdom of Sand, I assume?" 

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