Chapter 1 - Phoebe

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"Is it your name?"

"I held it up to the light in the rain."

I sit slumped over my desk, my head resting on a pile of untouched papers as the soft, melodic voice of Dan Smith flows into my eardrums. I can't help but think back to that night: Alone together hearing his husky voice spill out feelings he claimed he'd never told anyone before. And then, the kiss, who could forget that moment, the moment when his lips connected with mine... I curse under my breath for letting myself remember the kiss with such pleasure. It was wrong, completely wrong, yet it felt so right. My mind drifts over the days to follow, the way the guilt drilled into my gut, the way I keept the secret from Nick..Nick... To even think of his name caused a drizzle of salty water to run down my face.

"Phoebe!" I hear Avrils loud voice ring in my ear, loud despite my earphones. "What are you doing, get to work!" I nod quietly and wipe the sly tear from my eyes. "Honestly!" She mutters to herself. "You used to one of the companies best, and now look at you, you're a snivelling slob who can barely manage to finish a day's work in a week!" I look up at her a sorry expression written over my face just in time to catch her face flinch into a look of disappointment before it relaxes back into it's usual stern, hard state.

I lift myself up from my slump and get started on what seems like the Mount Everest of paperwork stacks. I remember when working for the music managment company was fun, when I got to work out in the field with aspiring artists. Now it seemed like all I did was tick boxes and fill in forms, the exact opposite of my dream job. The music seems to make the afternoon flow past quicker, but it still feels as though I am working at the pace of a sloth. With only a couple of sheets left, I quickly check my phone to find that it is 5:54pm, six minutes until the end of my shift. I begin to pack up slyly, in attempt not attract Avril's attention, however I am unlucky.

"Phoebe, please speak to me in my office." Avril instructs. I quickly get up from my chair and walk over to her office. My stomach wobbles in fear," Crap, she probably wants to fire me after the way I have been acting lately." I think to myself. I gently push open her office door to greet the stare of of her piercing green eyes.

"Please take a seat." She suggests gesturing to the chair directely opposite to hers. I follow her instructions and slump down into the office style swivel chair.

"It has come to my attention." She begins, "That have you not been producing work to standard and time we require in this company." I gulp, she really is about to fire me.

"I'm really sorry," I interverne, "I promise I can change." As listens to my words a tight smile begins to creep across her face.

"I know," She replies in a tone softer than usual causing my face to react with a shocked expression. "I have seen you at your best, you are the kind of person who could be really successful in this company. And that is why I am giving you one last chance to prove yourself to me." I am genuinly suprised, as this is not something common of Avril's nature.

"Thankyou, so much." I praise her.

"Right, but I will need to see a huge change." She answers, her voices returning to it's usual stern tone. "No more sloppy dressing, no more showing up late, No more taking two hour lunch breaks." I nod at her every word and begin to head out of the office happily.

"Wait Phoebe," Avril calls "I haven't told you of the entitlements of the job yet." At this I begin to laugh at my own stupidity before I am stopped again by Avril. "I need you to fill in as a tour manager for a British four piece band, Show up here in two days to begin." I nod and begin to leave again. As I pack up my stuff and leave the building my thoughts begin to think about the offer. I didn't like the thought of travelling the country or even world and being away from home, but if it meant I was able to keep my job, I was up for it.

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