Chapter 1

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Okay, everyone this is my first book/story to ever write! Hope you enjoy!!!

All Rights Reserved. 2011

Chapter 1

My name is Meg. I am 17 years old fixing to turn 18, and a senior in high school. I'm your average girl. I have tons of friends of all popularity groups, I'm outgoing, and I like random adventures. I'm really loud, and can't really whisper all that much. I'm not the nerdy kid in school, but I'm not the most popular either. I play softball for my school, and am on the track team too. I’m in my school’s band, and I play the clarinet. I’m really good at it too. My best friends name is Kate, and we've been friends almost 18 years. Yep, you guessed it, friends since diapers. I make A's and B’s and I have some good colleges scouting me. I drive a brand new candy apple red mustang, with horses racing down the side. After reading that, you think I have a pretty decent life, huh? Well, did I mention I'm currently 5'10" and weigh 275 pounds? I can bench press more than some guys on the football team. I have guys who are friends, but no "boyfriend." My mom says I'm beautiful, and I know I should not care what other people think, but big girls need love too.

“Meg, you have too many shoes already, why do you need another pair?" Kate practically screaming at me in the shoe store. "...because, just look at these, they are amazing. They have all the colors of a neon rainbow. I just have to have them!!" No one really understood my shoe fetish. If I didn't buy shoes, then I would be sad, and if I was sad, then I would eat, and continue to eat, then I would be so big that I couldn't walk, and if I couldn’t walk, I couldn't play sports, and if I couldn't play sports, then I would just die....literally. Sorry, got a little too excited there. Okay, so where was I...buying shoes that’s right. "There only 75 dollars, that’s cheap considering what I pay for my others," I stated. Kate had that look on her face that scream, "OH MY GOSH MEGAN ELIZABETH TAYLOR, YOU ARE CRAZY." Even though she didn't actually say that, we were best friends I knew what she was thinking. Kate just said, "Meg, I love ya, but do you actually think you will wear those shoes, I mean, there kind all that pretty?" "Kate, how can you say that, these are the most beautiful shoes in the world!" "Yeah, you said that last week, when you bought the purple and yellow running ones." I huffed a little puff, and I put the shoe down. I was not going to tell her, I secretly talk to the store clerk, and he was holding them for me until the next day.

Even though I was not the most popular person in my school, people still noticed me. And, No, it was not because I was one of the bigger people. I had new shoes every week, and they were not just normal shoes. These shoes would be so full of color; people would admire them, and ask to borrow them. Of course, I would say no. I loved all my shoes like they were my own children. "Are you going to the party tonight, Meg?" Kate said to me as she was trying on different dresses. (By the way, I don't wear dresses either, GROSS) "I don't know. Where is it again?" "It’s at Byson's house," Kate said cheerfully.

Let me take a break, and tell you about my best friend Kate. She is awesome!! She makes straight A's and is very smart. Clemson had already given her a full-ride for grades. She was slim with blonde curly hair, and crystal blue eyes. All the guys like her, and she is the most beautiful girl in school. She is even a cheerleader. We have the most opposite personalities, but I love her to pieces, even if she is all preppy attitude acting.

“At Byson’s house, ughhhh, I can’t stand him.” Byson is the most popular guy in school. He plays football, basketball, and baseball. He is one of those all around guys, ever guy envies his athletic abilities, and every girl envies him. He has a ripped body, and works out every day. He is nice do not get me wrong, but he is a little cocky. We have lived next door to each other for all of our lives. After me just saying all of those “nice” things about him, you would think I did not like him. Wrong! He is my best guy friend, and Kate has a HUGE crush on his best friend, Lance. My mom and Lance’s mom are sisters which meant Lance is also my cousin. She always wanted to invite him places with us.

Kate spat, “You can too stand him, he is like your best guy friend, and when you’re not hanging out with me, you’re most likely always with him. You’ve been friends since you were like, what, 7?”

“Okay, okay, I can stand him, but I don’t want to go to his party. He always seems so different when he is around his friends.” Kate smiled, because I knew what she was about to say, “its okay Meg, don’t go, but you’re practically going to be there anyways. I mean you and Byson’s house is literally 5 feet away from each other.” She always brought that up when Byson had a party, everyone knew I lived next door, and they always made sure I knew there was a party going on. “Okay, I’ll go then, but I need a new outfit. Maybe I will even buy this dress,” I said looking at a dress that was black. After all, they do say black is slimming. Kate started choking, because she was laughing so hard, but I managed to hear her muffled comment, “…you in a dress please!”

I guess, I should tell you now and get it out in the open, I, Megan Elizabeth Taylor, is in love with my best friend, Byson. Hey, they say the first step in recovery is admitting your problem right? Wrong, because if he knew, things would be way different. He didn’t see me as a girl he could date, he saw me as a girl he could play sports with, go mud riding, and watch football games with. I had better chances of winning the lottery then going on a date with Byson, or so I thought. Kate knew of my little crush but really never rubbed it in my face. I trusted her with my deepest confession. After-all she was my best friend, practically a sister to me.

We finally left the mall, after 4 hours of shopping. I only liked shopping if it was for shoes. Hey, what can I say, I have a shoe fetish. On the way home, we jammed to the beach boy’s station on Pandora. That was one thing me and Kate had in common, we loved the oldies. When we turned to go into my neighborhood, I saw Kate in the corner of my eye, go bright eyed. When I looked up, that’s when I saw them. Byson and Lance in his front yard, washing Byson’s F-250 duly-extended cab truck. I literally sat in awe. Byson had the finest body in the world. His muscles twitched as we pulled in my driveway. Kate took off out of the car before I even managed to put it in drive. I thought to myself, “Look at her flirting and batting those eyes toward, Lance.” Lance liked Kate also. I guess they were at the stage they call “talking.” All of a sudden, Kate let out a squeal, “Meg!! Lance just asked me to be his girlfriend!!” I started walking towards my 3 friends, and said, “Really, that’s great, but what are you going to tell that other boy you said yes to earlier?” Knowing no one had asked her out earlier, she threw a wet sponge at me, and said, “Megan! I did not!!” I started laughing. She was always over dramatic at times. Lance just laughed, and said, “Meg, you’re going to make her have a melt down with your jokes someday.”

“Ha, I know right, but she will always love me.” In that instant, I looked to the other side of the truck where Byson was. He was staring at me, and had a smug look on his face, that told me he liked what he saw. I glanced around and noticed there was no one there except me. I smiled to myself, and then said, “Take a picture, it will last longer, Bull.” Byson snapped out of whatever he was staring at, grabbed his phone quickly and took a picture. “Mize, smile then.” Ever since we were 10, we have called each other our nick-names. He combined my first and middle name and came up with the name Mize, and I always called him bull, because his name is Byson, and growing up, he was so clumsy. I always picked on him saying, “You’re just like a bull in a china shop!” “Smartass,” I said. “So, what’s this I hear of a party tonight?”

“Oh you heard about it? You are coming right? Most of the school is going to be there!”

He said. “Um, in that case, negative batman. I, uh, have homework anyways!” I bit my tongue after saying that, knowing it was a lie. “Oh no you don’t! You never do homework on days that end in Y. So, you’re coming!!” He yelled at me as I walked back towards my house. He always knew when I was lying, but really that’s wasn’t one of my best lies. He knew I didn’t do homework ever. He always got mad at me in class, because I never study ever and always made good grades, and he actually studied and tried and only made okay grades. “Kate, c’mon, we have to go get dressed, if we are going to this fabulous party tonight. Bye guys” I stated, while rolling my eyes, only to find Kate and Lance lip-locking. I must admit, it was kind of funny seeing them together. “Kate, stop biting him, you have to help me get dressed…” I always like to embarrass her, but after a couple seconds she turned around and started walking my way. Byson and Lance were snickering at my comment I made. “Meg, I was only saying goodbye.” “Yeah, sure you were, Kate.”

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