
"Ahh Pilipino ka? Makes sense. Its the truth tho" he said with a teasing smile on his face.

"Excuse me? Take back what you said right now."

I'm so pissed right now. He's such an ass. I can't help but lose myself at that moment. I was ready to fight this jerk.


"Is there a problem here Sir" the flight attended approached us

"No, it's fine. She's just overreacting" I replied

"Overreacting!??" Said the woman beside me.

"I'm not overreacting okay" she continued.

"Ma'am calm down" I said trying to make her relax coz she is literally trying to make a scene here.

"Don't tell me to calm down okay? You started this." She kept on complaining, I can't believe this woman.

"I started it? It's just a small thing why are you making a big deal out of it?"

"Well, you were being rude and didn't even apologize for what you did & said to me"

"You know you're being really immature about this but as mature as I am I would apologize even if i know you should be the one apologizing for invading my personal space. I'm sorry"

"Invading your personal space?" She replied back again. What's with this woman? I already apologized. What the heck does she want?

"Look Miss I already said sorry, could you leave it at that" as I said this she went silent but with still that frown on her face, piercing me with a look of anger...but I gotta admit, I find that pretty cute.

She looked away and turned her body sideways facing the window.

Finally I'm gonna get a peace of mind.

Nadine'S POV

I hate this guy, he's so freaking annoying. I can't wait for this plane to land so I could get away from this jerk.

As soon as the plane landed I stood up trying to get off the plane but its hard when this guy is still beside me fast asleep. I walked side ways to get out when suddenly as soon as I got out I bumped into someone I fell backwards. I tried to balance my self but I failed and I landed on the Jerk's lap.

Okay don't judge me but when I fell onto his laps I turned my head facing him and we made eye contact for a moment and it made me blush a bit. I know, I can't believe i just had that have feeling but I just did.

I didn't realize how mesmerizing his eyes are.. Nadine stop it..pull yourself together. The thing I didn't realize that that eye contact moment lasted more than a minute.

"Ahem....excuse me but could you get off of me" said the jerk.

Shit.. What am I doing?

"Oh.. Sorry!"

"Well you can sit more if you want, I don't mind" he said with a wink and a evil smirk.

"You wish..perve"

I rushed out of the plane and out of his sight. Thank God.

I checked out and tried to look for my bag. As I spotted my bag I grabbed it and at the same time someone was grabbing it too.

I looked at that person and it's him again...the jerk.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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