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Grace woke up by the sound of her phone ringing next to her head on the nightstand

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Grace woke up by the sound of her phone ringing next to her head on the nightstand. She sighed while rubbing her eyes to wake herself up faster before reaching to grab the phone. She froze when she saw it was Tom calling. She didn't know what to think. Thoughts ran through the girl's head like bullets. Was Ryan better or worse? It could be anything and as much as she didn't want it, she was having a bad feeling. The brunette carefully slid her finger to the right to answer the call.




Grace, we've got news about Ryan


I know what you're
thinking but don't
worry, he's okay,
he just woke up


Grace? Did you hear
me? He'll be fine, he's
fine, Grace!

I'm coming


Grace immediately put her phone in her pocket and stormed out of the apartment after grabbing her keys.

It was 6:30 am and the hospitals was empty but the girl ran as fast as she could to the corridor where her brother's room was.

Tom and Stacey stood up right after they saw Grace enter the hall. The brunette noticed that Harrison and Harry were also there. She didn't want to include them in this but she thought to herself to talk about that with Tom later.

"Can I visit him?" Were her first words when Stacey grabbed her hand. Tom gave her a little smile before answering.

"The doctor said he'd let us in after he checks up on him. He's inside right now." Tom pointed at the door behind him where Ryan was staying.

Harry and Harrison stood up too and gave Grace sympathetic smiles. Harrison gave her arm a little squeeze.

"You don't deserve this and your brother doesn't deserve this happening to him." spoke Harry.

"I know" Grace answered quietly and sat on the nearest chair, Stacey never letting go off her hand, following her on the one beside her.

The doctor came out in about ten minutes and nodded at the people waiting for Ryan. They let Grace go alone before they visit him too.

She took slow small steps and opened the door closing it quietly behind her and reaching her brother's bed. He had bruises and cuts on his face but they didn't seem serious. He gave her a little smile when he saw her sit on the chair next to his bed and then looked down at his hands.

"I know you're mad and I know you think it all happened because I went to meet Maddy" Ryan kept looking at his hands.

"I'm not mad at you, Ryan" Grace sighed. "I'm mad at myself for letting you go. I had a bad feeling about it all along."

"This isn't your bad feeling or whatever, it was an accident!" Her brother finally looked at her. "It was an accident" he repeated, this time quieter and looked out the window.

"Let's not talk about it, huh?" Grace took her brother's hand in hers. "You're okay now and that's the important."

He turned to look at her again and smiled softly, then nodded.

The Clarkes decided to call their mum to notify her that Ryan is absolutely fine and he'll be home soon even though they didn't know when. She took it alright which was a relief because Grace remembered calling her to tell her about the car accident and how her mum freaked out. She guessed the woman got over herself.

Grace went out the room to the hall to tell her friends they can see Ryan. They all came in and Harrison had even brought monopoly and they played and laughed and Grace couldn't believe how relieved she felt seeing her brother laugh again.

She had so much practice to do though. Her audition was in less than a month and she wanted to go into that college doesn't matter what. So she took notes in her head to go practice tomorrow immediately after she wakes up.


A/N: Well, I'm back I guess. I have two more exams but I got the mood to write at 1 am so I thought why not? Thank you all so much for over 800 reads! My mind can't even process it! I've never thought I could reach even 100! Thank you, thank you, you're all so lovely and I'm forever grateful

Don't let this flop👽

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