Chapter Twenty - Ash's Disappearance

Start from the beginning

"Only authorised personnel are allowed to enter the building at this moment." He warns with a stern voice.

"Please! The occupant of the sabotaged unit might be a friend of mine!" I plead.

He remain unfazed and shakes his head firmly. I stop struggling to think of possible ways I could enter. Is there really no solution? 

I feel a hand on my shoulder as Misty abruptly walks in front me. She takes out an identity card and holds it in front of the officer's face.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but have you heard of the Sensational Sisters, Mr Officer?"

The officer begins sweating before whispering to other staff and shifting aside for us to enter.

"S-Sorry for my rudeness, the three of you may enter."

"How did yo-" I turn to Misty but she cuts me off by placing a finger on my lips.

"There are more important things to do first, isn't there?" She whisper.

May, who looks equally shocked as me, nods in agreement with Misty.

"You're right." I answer confidently and we head to the elevator.

We swiftly reach the seventh floor and notice that there're much more police officers around. A plump man, who seem to have started balding, and I made eye contact which causes him to come up to us.


"This fat old geezer pisses me off." Misty mutters under her breath before taking out her identification card again.

May and I chuckle at her remark, thinking that Misty's still Misty despite her unknown background.

After getting a glimpse at the card, his body twitches before stepping back.

"YA SHOULD'VE SAID EARLIER!" He bellows before letting us through.

Misty scowls and looked like she wants to pick a fight with him, both May and I have to hold her back before she does anything rash. After calming Misty, we rush to the unit which is obstructed with caution tape and I recognise it as Ash's place immediately. I slip pass all the adults around and enter.

"Th-This can't be...." I mumble to myself.

"Dawn...." May places both of her hands on my shoulders to comfort me.

"I'm fine, May. No need to worry!" I forcefully smile before looking back at the state of the room.

It's completely different compared to the last time I was here, almost as if it's another place. All furniture is flipped over and most decorative objects are knocked on the floor. The bedroom in particular is in abominable condition; ripped bedsheets spread on the floor, the wallpaper had been teared and not a single item is left undamaged.

I examine the room and a particular photo frame, face down on the floor and cracked by the corner, catches my eye. I slowly go over and pick it up, the photo of Ash and I of the past. It isn't as damaged as I thought, the frame is indeed cracked and the edges of the photo teared but our faces can still be seen clearly. I secretly take the photo out of the frame and and hid it inside my pocket.

"Dawny should know better than to tamper with evidence." Misty whispers from behind.

I turn around, startled to find the both of them behind me. I clap my hand together and beg them to keep it a secret.

"It's just a joke Dawny!" Misty chuckles.

"We won't tattle!" May assures.

I pout and pretend to be angry at them for scaring me until the same plump man comes forward to us.


I feel May tugging my clothes which adjusts my attention to Misty, anger clearly exposed on her face. I awkwardly laugh and interrupt before Misty can shout back.

"We'll leave after you answer my question!" I counter.

He seems to be opposed of the deal but, after glancing at Misty, he changes his mind. Just how great is Misty's influence?


I nod and calmly ask the only question I have.

"Where's the occupant of this unit?"

I cross my fingers, hoping for him to respond with Ash being held in the police station for questioning or something along those lines. However, he bites his lip instead and looks at me with a softened expression.

"The occupant, Ash Ketchum, has gone missing. We dispatched search teams over the region but he's nowhere to be sighted. We're expanding our searching areas but still no luck. However, what we have found is a trail of blood that matches the DNA of Ash Ketchum near a confectionary known as Piplup Patisserie." He answers in a serious tone instead of hollering for the first time.

Despite hearing the news myself, I still can't believe it. Up until yesterday, Ash and I still saw each other in class. I surpass my tears and bow to show my gratitude for the plump male officer.

"Thank you for everything. I'll keep my word and take my leave now."

As we left the room, I hear him call out to me.

"The name's Inspector Stump! My intuition tells me that we might cross paths again someday."

I wave without looking back. I'm certain we'll meet again, Inspector Stump.

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