Part 2-fights

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us three are here still tied up to three different posts. "you know what its all your fault Daliah if you didn't talk to strangers then we wouldn't have gotten kidnaped!" Octavia said with her hot temper. "Me? me! I was just trying to help us get directions if you weren't afraid to ask maybe we wouldn't have gotten kidnaped in the first place!" I screamed at her. "OH THATS WHERE YOUR WRONG I AM A PERSON WHO KNOWS NOT TO TALK TO STRANGERS! BUT OH NO YOU HAD TO GO UP TO ONE AND ASK HEY! WHERE IS THE BATHROOM!" she screamed. "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO MAKE EVERYTHING SO COMPLICATED" I SCREAMED. "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO MAKE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU!" she screamed. I was taken back by that. it hit me hard. "Daliah I didn't mean-" she started but I cut her off. "NO! you did mean that and always will I hate you!" I screamed. " WELL I HATE YOU TOO!" She screamed back. "BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP BEFORE THE PERSON WHO KIDNAPS US HEARS US AND THEN SOMETHING HAPPENS BECAUSE OF BOTH OF YOU THIS WAS ALL OF OUR FAULTS! NOT JUST OCATVIA'S NOT JUST DALIAH'S NOT JUST MINE ALL OF US NOW SHUT THE F**k UP" Lili the sweet girl I always knew said that but she was right fighting didn't help us. all of us immediately shut up as a man walked in. "all of you need to shut up before someone hears you!" this man said. " Im Greg and this is Tamara." he said. "Octavia, Lili, Daliah!" I herd Alex scream. "ALEX!" we screamed. Alex and and Destiny came in they froze when they saw Greg and Tamara. "Emma was right you are bad!" Alex screamed. "who the hell is Emma!" I said. "we don't need to worry about that now. we need to get you out of here!" Destiny said. "Tamara we cant let them go they will tell them were bad!" greg said. "don't worry about that Greg I have someone special" she chuckled and grabbed someone a small petite girl. I realized it was Alex's little sister Kaitlyn a poor 8 year old. they held a gun to her head. "NO!" I screamed. "STOP SHE IS JUST A CHILD!" I screamed. Alex lowered her gun. "What do you want ill do anything!" she said. "Take them and don't tell Emma or anyone in town!" Tamara said. "NO!" she said. they held the gun closer. "FINE,FINE JUST DON'T HURT HER!" Alex screamed. Alex ran to us and untied our ropes. I fell to the ground in pain. and clutched my side it was bleeding from the tight ropes. "FUCK!" I said looking at the blood. they helped me up and we walked out they helped me into Alex's car. and we drove to this girl names Emma place. they helped me in the apartment and Emma saw us and she ran to me and brought me over to the couch. they got me cleaned up and patched up and then the room started shaking and glass broke along with a plate. "regina was that?" Emma asked "yes, the Dimond was activated." regina said. "so were all going to die." Henry said. "you were born here so you'll live, and so will they." regina said pointing to us. "but ill be alone." Henry said. "i'm so sorry Henry." thats all I herd when I blacked out on their couch.i woke up hours later my head was resting on someones legs. I looked up and saw Alex. I smiled and slowly stood up. "hey can I have some water?" I asked Granny. she nodded and got me some. "here." she said. "thanks." I went and sat back down and chugged the cup of water. "the wraith we sent it through a portal why cant we do the same thing with the self destruct?" snow asked. "because we don't know if its going to work." Emma said. "it could." snow said. "Yeah." David said going over. "its too risky no one is going to go along with it."Emma said. "I will, if its means saving your lives." I said standing up. "we will, because its the right thing to do, look Snow White and the prince have always led us before and we always won, so... who's willing to let them lead us again? " a guy said. there was a bunch of yeses thought the room. "this is what we should do-and will do." snow and charming said. "I know we haven't had a lot of chances to be parent but give us this one, let us do the right thing. its not too late." snow said. "I just don't wang him to be alone.i don't want him to grow up the way I did." Emma said. the whole town shook, and Emma started ranting. (I just really don't want to type anymore words from the show.) Emma and snow said things to each other and Emma finally said "ok" charming threw the bean to Emma but hook got it first and said "your all mad I can live with myself-"hook said "give it back" Emma said. "If she wants to die for us, I say let her." hook said "You and I we understand each other. Look out for yourself, - and you'll never get hurt, right?" Emma said   "Worked quite well for me." hook said back. "Yeah, till the day that it doesn't. We're doing this. It might be stupid. it might be crazy, but we're doing it. So you can join us and be a part of something, or you can do what you can do best and be alone." Emma said.  "Quite passionate, Swan. Why are you really doing this?" hook asked.  "The kid just lost his father today. I'm not letting him lose a mother, too." Emma said as she had the been everyone started leaving  "His father? Who's Henry's father?" hook said. "Neal." Emma said "Baelfire?" hook asked. " Yeah." Emma said. we walked to the mines and saw regina.there was silence around there mines. Emma went to pull out the bean but it wasn't there. "I cant contain this much longer" regina said. "I love you Henry I only wish I was strong enough to stop all this. I'm just not." regina said crying all of us where. "You may not be strong enough. But maybe we are." Emma said as she needled down and helped regina finish it off. " We're alive." charming said. "Emma? Oh." snow said. "We did it." Emma said "Yes, we did." regina said back. "guys! guys-" I said looking for Henry "Gotta hand it to Henry. He's right about a lot of things." charming said.  "Yes, he is." Emma started. "Emma where is Henry?." I asked.she turned around  " Henry? Henry? Henry?"  Emma running to his back "what is it?" snow said  "They took him." Emma said and we ran out of the mines. we ran to the docs. "Emma you don'tknow where your going" snow said. "it doesn'tmatter I have to find him. it doesn't matter I'll  track him down in hell if I have to" we came to a stop when we came around the corner. "the last bean they opened up a portal. we all screamed "Henry!" but tamara and greg jumped in before we could get to them. "No! No! No! We have to follow them! There has to be a way." Emma screamed. charming holding her back from jumping in the lake. "Emma Alexs sister was with them where did she go if they didn't take her!"  I said "I don't know I'm sorry can we find her when we get back?" "Yeah that's fine!" ALEX SAID. "Not only do we not know where they went, - but Hook stole the last bean." regina said.  "I don't care!" Emma said  "Without it, there's no way to follow." regina said  "There has to be. We can't let them just take Henry." Emma said. "They've taken Henry?" gold said. " Yeah. You're The Dark One. Do something." charming said  'Gold, help us." Emma said. "There's no way. I spent a lifetime trying to cross worlds to find my son. There's no way in this world without a portal." gold said.  "He's gone forever? I refuse to believe that." regina said. "What is that?" belle said.  "Hook" Emma said. we waited for his ship to dock and walked over. "What the hell are you doing here?" Emma said  "Helping." hook said. "Well, you're too late." Emma said. "Am I?" hook said.  "I thought you didn't care about anyone but yourself." Emma said. "Maybe I just needed reminding that I could" hook said. "Enough waiting around. Let's go." regina said. "Go? Where? I thought we were saving the town." hook said. "We already did" charming said.  "We need to get Henry. Greg and Tamara took him through a portal." Emma said  "Well, I offer my ship and my services to help follow them." hook said.  "Well, that's great, Hook, but how will we track them?" regina said. "Leave that to me. I can get us where we need to go." gold said. "Then let's do it." snow said we all went onto the ship. I sat down with my friends. Igrabed my bag I got from a girl and I could put anything in it I grabbed the first aid kit and got different bandages on.  hook threw the bean and we went threw it. "ok hook is it ok if I go to your cabin." he nodded I went to it and tried to open the door but couldn't. "hook! I need help!" I said he came to me he pried open the door and out came 6 little girls. I saw my sister and gasped and grabbed her. Alex's sister was in their too. gold came out a few moments later. "oh great a good use of our time a wardrobe change." hook said.I snickered. gold said he was going togo alone. and he disappeared but so did Alex, Octavia, Lili, Destiny, our little sisters, and I  we were in the forest. I grabbed my sister.  and carried her as Lili , and Alex our sisters were all around the age of six. Ocatvias sister is about 16 and Octavia is 20. I'm 18 as of yesterday when I was kidnaped. Lili is 18 and so is Alex. destiny is 19 and her sisters are 12. my sister suddenly jumped out of my arm and started running. I sprinted after her as she raan into someones camp. "ARIA!" I said and ran to her and picked her up she giggled. "this isn't funny!" Isaid. "I'm so sorryim just going to leave." I said to a girl with blond hair and a faded green dress.  "Its fine go ahed."  the woman said. I left and found Alex and the others. we started walking. we walked till it was dark out. then we set up camp in a clearing. I put the littlegirls to bed after I set up a tent for them. they were sleeping now I just sat staring at the fire wonder what would happen if Felix was here. I didn't realize it but I shed a few tears from my eyes. thats until Alex came over everyone was sleeping. "hey you ok?" she asked. I blinked and nodded wiping my tears away. "no your not tell me why your crying." she said. "I just am thinking about Felix it would be so much easier if he was here with us I would have a family its just hard with out him its hard to take care of Aria with out my mom and dad I'm going to have to get a job soon I- I don't know" I said. I herd a sound in the leaves. We turned to look and some one came out I never expected to see again.

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