Chapter One: The Awakening

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A soft beeping sounded in Jon's ears, slowly rousing him to awareness. He blinked open his dark eyes, glancing around in confusion.

The room was white, he noticed, and it smelled bad. Like chemicals.

Another thing he noticed was the insistent stinging on his face and chest. He frowned, bringing a shakey- and kind of numb- hand to his cheek.

"Bandages...?" He whispered hoarsely. What was going on? He looked around again, taking in the machinery and equipment in the room. The tiled floor, the slightly papery sheets he was covered in.

He brought his hand back to his side as he finally registered where he was. A hospital room.

But what happened? Why was he here? Where were Eduardo and Mark?

Suddenly scared, his bottom lip started to tremble and tears welled in his eyes. Jon was starting to panic. He was so confused and worried and, god, absolutely alone in this little white room.

"Eduardo?" He called out helplessly, sitting up. The heart monitor beside his bed had started beeping frantically as his heartbeat sped up; heightening the poor man's anxiety. Sobs made his shoulders tremble and shake.

The door suddenly flew open, and a man with a white coat entered, a worried Eduardo and Mark on his heels.

"Jon!" the two friends said simultaneously.

Jon turned to them, relief flooding his system, causing his tears to double tenfold.

The doctor sighed as the three were united, walking over to the monitor and turning it off. There was no need for it anymore. His patient was completely stabilized. At least for now. The doctor frowned. In reality, the chest wound that Jon had gotten should've killed him. Of course, he wasn't going to tell the three that. A miracle was a miracle, right?

The doctor nodded to himself, grabbing up paperwork from a side table in the room.

The rustling of papers drew Jon's attention, and the doctor smiled at him. "You'll be able to leave within a few hours, sir. I just need to finalize things." He nodded to Eduardo and Mark before leaving.


A/N: the next chapter will be longer, I swear. Also, feedback, theories, and ideas for where this is going are greatly appreciated. Have a swell day!

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