leather pants and tight shirts

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"Come on Alec! Please? It's a party,and not just any party. The High Warlock of Brooklyn is throwing it. You can't wear holey sweaters around him."
"I beg to differ."
"And I beg to differ with you. Come on,it's one night. One pair of leather pants,one tight black shirt.You never have to do anything for me again."
"Isabelle Sophia Lightwood,if I ever wear leather pants, it will be on the day I die."
Isabelle was beginning to run out of ways to convince Alec. She looked to Clary for help. She shrugged.
Isabelle threw up her hands in exasperation. "Fine then! Go without any pants at all!"
"How 'bout I stay here?" Alec suggested. He knew eventually he would have to give in, but he wasn't going down without a fight.
Clary stifled a laugh. This entire situation was quite funny to watch.
Alec decided to finally admit defeat. "I'm getting you back for this," he said,picking up the clothes and leaving. Once he shut the door, Izzy and Clary high-fived and fell into fits of giggles.


"What? Why are you all staring?" Alec asked. Izzy,Clary, and Jace were all standing with their jaws almost on the ground. Simon,however, was still staring at Iz.
"By the Angel big brother, you look GORGEOUS!!" Isabelle squealed.
Alec flushed.
"I'm still hotter than all of you combined,but you come a close second,man." Jace said with a smirk.
Alec flushed again.
"Wow,that suits you a lot..." Clary said. Alec didn't seem to like her. She wasn't sure why. However, he glanced at her quickly enough for her to see the glint of a smile in his pale blue eyes.
"Right! The party starts soon,so we need to go," Isabelle said, dancing out of the Institute, Simon stuck to her heels. Jace and Clary soon followed them,and Alec was left hoping,praying,that this night would go well.


"Where is he...I don't see him..." Clary said, looking around the sea of heads.
"You'd think a 6ft+ dude with cat eyes would be pretty easy to find,huh?" Simon joked, earning a glare from Alec.
Izzy giggled."Hey, I've an idea. How about we split up and look for him? Simon and I will go upstairs, Jace and Clary downstairs, and Alec,you look around here." "I don't like this plan."
"Well,you're gonna have to. Bye!!" yelled Iz, running off with Simon. Clary and Jace, Alec's parabatai, had already disappeared. He leaned against a wall and put his head in his hands.
"This is going to be a long night," he sighed.


A few hours passed, and Alec lost track of what time it was meant to be. He felt an eyelid drooping, when all of a sudden a cold,silky hand trailed across his shoulder. He shivered at the touch,and opened his eyes. A soft yet seductive voice spoke. "What's a pretty soul like you doing here?" it drawled.
Alec looked. No,actually,he stared. A 6ft+, golden-skinned, glitter-covered Asian man was standing in front of him.
That 6ft+, golden-skinned, glitter-covered, Asian man was none other than Magnus Bane. The High Warlock of Brooklyn. Suddenly Alec lost the ability to breathe.
Holy shit,this guy was gorgeous.
Magnus seemed to get what Alec was thinking, and smirked.
"What's your name, pretty boy?"
"A-Alec.Alec Lightwood."
"Alec Lightwood," repeated Magnus, emphasising the end of each syllable,his smirk still there.
"Yeah,ha.I-it's-it-uh, it's short.The Alec. For Alexander.Yeah."
Speak English Lightwood, he thought to himself.
"Well,Alec-is-short-for-Alexander Lightwood, I hope whoever you came with doesn't mind if I steal you for the rest of the night...," Bane winked.
Before Alec had the chance to say anything, he was being dragged into the middle of a dance floor. Not that he minded much, of course.

*an: i recommend listening to either 'mad love' by sean paul or 'tongue' by mnek for this next bit bc they are dancing and...yeah*

An hour or three later, the pair were still dancing. Alec found it odd that no one had come back to him yet, but he didn't want to think about what they might be doing. He had begun to loosen up a bit, and had begun to move more fluidly, letting his hips guide themselves.
Magnus was gliding smoothly around him, their bodies moving in sync. He let his hands explore Alec's (unfortunately) clothed torso, and felt the young Nephilim shudder because of it.
He glanced up, making eye contact with this beautiful boy. Alec's lips parted slightly as he fell deeper into the warlock's gold-green slit-pupilled eyes. His own eyes broke the stare as he looked quickly at Magnus' lips. Magnus' eyes seemed to burn brighter than the Sun itself. He slid a ringed hand up to hold the side of Alec's face, and he could see the boy's eyes darken. But not with annoyance...with desire.
Alec had never felt this feeling, something so strong and powerful. Pure desire was burning through him. Desire to touch and be touched by Magnus. To feel his body,his lips.
To feel him.

*an: this edit goes well with the next bit ig,,also don't attack me i watch the show too*

He didn't know what to do. He was so...confused.
But Magnus made his decision for him.
Closing the millimetre gap between them, Magnus' lips were suddenly on Alec's.
But this was no sweet romantic kiss, full of innocence.No, this kiss was desire, passion, want. Alec melted into it. He let out a little gasp.
Having never been kissed, the intensity of this sent his brain reeling. Magnus' mouth moved expertly on his, their tongues occasionally touching too. Magnus shifted his grasp to Alec's lower back.
Alec slid his hands up and held them behind Magnus' neck. He could feel the euphoria swimming through his veins.
Then suddenly he could no longer feel Magnus' lips. He gave a little upset whine.
Magnus chuckled. "Needy little thing, aren't you?"
Alec's blood rushed to his pale face. Again, he was saved from speaking by Magnus' lips.
Magnus pulled Alec off the dance floor and slammed him against the same wall he found him at. Alec threw his head back and groaned, eyes rolling back. Magnus took this opportunity to fasten his lips to the right side of Alec's neck, holding skin between his teeth. Alec widened his eyes and let out a pleasured gasp, sinking his fingers deep into Magnus' hair. He tugged on it slightly, biting his lip.
Magnus returned his lips to Alec, and was about to kiss him again, when a loud shriek ran through the hall, and glass shattering was heard. Alec reflexively reached for a seraph blade, but realised he was not going to need it, as the shriek came from Izzy, who was staring at them, mouth wide open, glass in shards at her feet. Clary and Simon were wearing similar expressions, but Jace was smirking, eyebrows raised in disbelief.
"Well then," he said,"You obviously found him."
Alec flushed for what seemed like the 998th time that night.
"I'm sorry, but I'm going to need this one back here next Friday," Magnus said, tapping Alec's shoulder. He danced off into the crowd.
Alec was left with four speechless people standing in front of him.
"Um,hi?" he suggested, laughing nervously.
Shit,he thought. I am never going to live this down.

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