Chapter 11: Cinderfell

Start from the beginning

Envy and Newt took to the skies again, and continued their journey.

Water. After hours and hours endless pale yellow sand that stretched for miles, Envy finally spotted dark cobalt waters. The flat sea stretched in all directions, the afternoon sun scattering diamonds across it's surface. Seagulls wheeled overhead, carried by the cool ocean breeze. Envy pumped his wings harder, determination flowing through his veins. The army followed Envy, zooming past Newt as the NightWing increased his speed. Newt was almost knocked out of the air, having to take extra wingbeats to regulate his flying. He groaned loudly as he flew after the dragons.

Just as Envy began to has the small section of water, the temperature changed drastically. It wasn't boiling hot anymore; it was pleasantly warm, like the Rainforest Kingdom, and the sea fog added to the coolness. Fragments of cloud scatter the sea, as if painted by an artistic claw-- delicate inflections of the brush spreading white over blue. As Envy's wing sliced through clouds, he tried to see the remaining fragments. The sense of serenity was already washing over him, and it was certainly delightful. The NightWing smiled as he began to see a great structure within the fog's haze. As he glided closer, it became clear now. 

The great town of Cinderfell. The city was surrounded by steadfast stone walls were built for defense in an age that was defined by jealousy, greed and the love of power as much as honor, nobility and loyalty to the crown. "Finally, we're here!" Envy babbled, diving towards the ground. It wasn't sand anymore, but covered in rich, profuse grass, similar to the grasses in the meadows near the NightWing kingdom. The grass waves like dragons in a stadium, catching the light in a way that shows it isn't one green but many different hues. Envy landed on the ground roughly, causing grasshoppers and other small insects to leap out of his way. Newt landed beside him.

"So-- this, is Cinderfell?" He said, his head tilted. Envy nods.

"Well it looks like shi--"

"Greetings, travelers!" A voice suddenly booms. "I am Sir Fiercetalons, leader of Cinderfell, and personally, the best merchant to ever live."

A dark gray NightWing with light pink scales across his front talons had flown out of the enormous gates of Cinderfell, landing in front of Envy and Newt and their army. He was small, a few inches taller than Newt, though, his voice was deep, showing his age-- possibly in his late twenties or thirties, but he certainly wasn't the age his size depicted. "Hello there," Envy said, loud and clear. He tried to sound authoritative. "I am Pri-- I mean... my name is Emeraldwings, and my friend over here... this is-- Wolverine," Envy said. He hoped that Fiercetalons wouldn't find out that he was the wanted prince of the NightWings. He knew Newt was in danger too, and he anticipated on the dragon's thoughts. "I must seek refuge for my army."

Envy couldn't think of a valid reason that wasn't similar to his actual adjective. His tail began to curl as he was getting nervous, but he tried to keep showing pride and dignity in his posture and movements. He continued to speak. "I was hoping if my army can settle here for a while."

"Well, it's not like we have stables for soldiers," Fiercetalons joked. "However, we may have a few bunks and beds for the soldiers. Come, come! I'll show you around the magnificent city of Cinderfell."

Fiercetalons turned, his wings outspread, and he began to trot inside, followed by Newt, Envy, and the army.

 After weaving through the labyrinth of roads, the paths eventually converged and unveiled the piazza. Flocks of pigeons gathered everywhere; their numbers delighted foreigners as they huddled around the birds, and either fed them crumbs of bread or watch dragonets run into them like angry bulls. Envy was surrounded by curious female dragons who were in awe with his unusual green colors, questioning him excessively, and sometimes even trying to cut a piece of Envy's membrane off. He'd always fly away in a rush, but other than acquisitive dragons, he found Cinderfell as paradise. 

"You must visit the Goldriver market!" A large, gorgeous female RainWing said. Her scales shifted into a majestic, golden yellow color, while bright magenta formed around her eyes, like eyeshadow. "It has the most exquisite gems and jewelry..." 

"It sounds wonderful." Envy says politely, smiling lightly.

As the sun lowers into the sky, the light draining away, the city still flourished with dragons. The loud chatter of dragons continued, even after dusk had past. A busy place, Envy thought. A warm wind brushed against his scales as he looked around Cinderfell. There was many hotels and personal houses for the dragons, including food stands and auctions to sell scavengers as loving pets. He turned his head into the other direction...


Envy stopped in his tracks, looking down. A small NightWing, the color of dark, muted lilac, flared her wings as the spikes on her back flared with anger. She groaned. "Please, watch where you're going," she hissed. She got back onto her talons and shook off the dirt from her scales.

"Stardust?" Envy says, his ears perking forward with interest. The NightWing looked up. "...Oh," Stardust said. "Hey."

Envy smiled, flapping his wings with thrill. "You're here? In Cinderfell? Holy moons! I'd never expec--"

"I'm only visiting for a week, Green-wings," Stardust rolled her eyes. "My royal guard training happens here, sometimes." Dust's voice was low and dull, full of boredom. 

"Training?" Envy questioned. Stardust nodded slowly.

"Can I participate in the training? Please? It shouldn't be that bad, right?"

Stardust raised her eye-ridges. "You can do some training, but not the specific training I'm doing. Maybe in the morning-- dunno. Depends if my trainer is even up for it."

"Can my IceWing friend, Newt, do some training too?"

Stardust shrugged, but Envy took it as a yes.

"Alrighty!" Envy beamed, leaping from side to side as he failed to keep his great excitement within him. "I'll see you during training tomorrow!"

Envy bolted off, dashing through the streets. 

Tomorrow was training day, and finally he could get decent training that wouldn't kill him in the process. At least that's what Envy hoped. He needed training, including Newt. Finding all of the clues to Caspian's enchanted pearl was not going to happen over night, especially with how many other tribes are participating. They would kill him if he got into their way, or even if he found most of the clues. It didn't matter if he was a dragonet or a prince anymore...

Everyone wanted to rule the world, and a mere young dragon wasn't going to stop them. Right?

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